Je vous aime, devinez qui ? L’art de la carte postale
Francine Stalport
The introduction says it all, quoting 800 M postcards sent in France in 1918, 300 M in 2012. The fall of this figure is truly outstanding, but not as much as the lack of luster of the themes. Postcards sent today are either of a typical landscape or reflect a tasteless jokes repeated at nauseam when on the beach. A century ago, these two categories existed or course as we can see in this book that holds the most beautiful samples of a personal collection. But they were accompanied by many others: declarations of love, cards with puzzles, cards with jokes and allegoric cards, collages of newspaper clippings or dried plants and photographic assemblies. There is also of course a very special group, that of personalised cards, completely painted, drawn or typographed by the sender. Internet has dug the grave of this terasure of creativity, as th einstant characteristic of e-mails has deprived us from a huge pleasure, that of awaiting the arrival of the mailman.
Review published in the newsletter #299 - from 18 April 2013 to 24 April 2013