Peindre l’Amérique. Les artistes du Nouveau Monde 1830-1900
Directed by William Hauptman
American artists such as Basquiat and Warhol, and it if we go further back in time, Pollock, Motherwell or Hopper are household names to an European audience. But what about before them? Maybe Audubon, whom the French continue to consider theirs, and Catlin, still ring a bell, somehow. But certainly not Peto and his trompe-l’œil, Moran and his Grand Canyon, nor Sonntag with his views of Vermont. This book accompanied the exhibition at the Hermitage Foundation, and is a way of introduction to this unknown school, halfway between Indian ethnology, landscaping and reporting on a country under construction.
Review published in the newsletter #354 - from 10 July 2014 to 10 September 2014