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Tout sur l’archéologie

Directed by Paul Bahn

In a world that is constantly moving, increasingly living to a staccato rhythm, we all need points of reference. Mementos, compendiums and other address books have always existed and now present a new breed. It can be looked at in 3 minutes (this is the title of a collection), or when more rested, there is enough here to build a culture by proxy – without reading the original works or visiting the sites. In this field, we would take irony, or originality in the classification (Phaidon recently published quite an interesting retro-story of art), or clarity. This book on a difficult discipline (archeology) can be classified in the last category. The few thousand years of our history are sifted through chronologically at a good pace. For each of the five large periods (until 1600, even if we know we can do archeology on the site where the movie Peau d’âne was shot!), a map announces the fifty sites that will soon be summed up in two pages, combining description, biographies, and a large map. Babylonia and Teotihuacán are among them, as well as lesser-known sites and moments such as Caral in Peru or the siege of Lakish by the Assyrians. Pick away, something will always remain!

Tout sur l’archéologie, collective work directed by Paul Bahn, Flammarion, 2018, 576 p., €35.


Tout sur l’archéologie - Directed by Paul Bahn

Review published in the newsletter #513 - from 3 May 2018 to 9 May 2018

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