L’art depuis 1945 – Groupes, mouvements, manières
Hervé Gauville
In the tradition of the art history agendas, launched with success by Italian publisher Electa, Hervé Gauville, the former columnist at French newspaper Libération, draws a profile of the art world after WW II. He dissects it by following a «community» thread: what we are dealing with here, is all this art that is written in movements, associations, fraternities. In thehistory of Equipo Crónica, of the Transavanguardia, of the narrative figuration or of Supports-Surfaces, we find the fever of group creation that gives (a little) life back to the atmosphere of the workshops of the Renaissance, with one small difference, in that the rigid hierarchy that existed in the past between master and students has been done away with. From poetic trials that make us dream such as "nuagisme" to Pop Art, from the Présence Panchounette in Bordeaux to the Japanese Gutaï, the inventory combines East and West, the famous and the forgotten, unveiling a few interesting (re)discoveries along the pages. • L’art depuis 1945 – Groupes, mouvements, manières, par Hervé Gauville, Hazan publishers, 2007, ISBN : 978-2-7541-0007-6, 392 p., 22 € |
Review published in the newsletter #63 - from 25 October 2007 to 1 November 2007