Le Dialogue des cultures, actes des rencontres inaugurales du musée du Quai Branly
Directed by Bruno Latour
While the museum of Quai Branly has experienced an unexpected attendance success, it would also liked to be known for its role in studies and research. The proceedings from the inaugural symposium, held on 21 June 2006, demonstrate its ambitions in this field. The speakers came from various continents and their debates dealt with various themes. How to welcome contemporary art in this type of museum? How do we represent in all fairness immaterial patrimonies? How do we define the authenticity of an object? What publics do we welcome and why? The interest in reading these proceedigns comes from the very opiniated remards by participants (for example Maurice Godelier, who undoubteldy has his reasons…) or the quality of the examples given, that allows one to go beyond a simple theoretic conversation between professors. As an example, the case presented by James Clifford, from the museum of Oakland in Californie, who succeeded in catching the interest of the Chicanos after allowing them to set up their altars for the day of the Dead, speaks for itself. This is an original initiative that is more efficient in reaching new publics, than the visits that are ill prepared for bored and noisy school children. • Le Dialogue des cultures, actes des rencontres inaugurales du musée du Quai Branly, directed by Bruno Latour, Actes Sud, 2007, 450 p., ISBN : 978-2-7427-6861-5, 10,50 € |
Review published in the newsletter #54 - from 5 July 2007 to 11 July 2007