Legion of Honor

100 34th Avenue, Lincoln Park, California
San Francisco,California
94121 San Francisco - États-Unis

Téléphone 415.863.3330
Web http:/ / www.legionofhonor.org

Hours :

Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9:30 am to 5 pm

Admission :

Admission fee :  10 $
Concessions :  8 $ over 65
Free : Under 12
Special concessions :  5 $ Under 18

Services offered to visitors :

Bookshop, Boutique, School groups, Children groups, Adult groups, Guided tour, Guided tour for disabled persons, Disabled access
 Legion of Honor Drive, El Camino del Mar.

Public Transportation :

bus n°18,38,1,2
© California Palace of the Legion of Honor

Permanent collections :

Americana, Ancient art, Contemporary art, 19th c. art (1848-1914), Graphic art, Decorative art

Do not miss :

Egyptian, greec, roman art presented by pottery works, sculptures and metalwork. Important collection of drawings and prints: Rembrandt, Dürer, Gauguin, Picasso...Decorative art and european paintings.
