Art Of The Day Weekly

#474 - from 25 May 2017 to 31 May 2017

Hokusai, Under the wave off Kanagawa (The Great Wave) from Thirty-six views of Mt Fuji. Colour woodblock, 1831. Acquisition supported by the Art Fund. © The Trustees of the British Museum.


500 candles for Le Havre

LE HAVRE – One doesn’t celebrate one’s 500th birthday every year. Is this fever that surrounds birthdays a means to remember our own history? In the case of Le Havre, the number one port in France with its 175 000 residents, it allows us to remember that the port was the wish of François I. In 1517, two years after reaching the throne, the young king had sea ambitions that looked towards America. This celebration today takes on a particularly eventful aspect as the mayor of Le Havre, Edouard Philippe, has just been named Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron. Dozens of installations, themed itineraries such as les Bassins, les Escaliers, le Port and, of course, the city of Auguste Perret, corresponding to the reconstruction following WW II, exhibitions (Pierre et Gilles, the archives of the French Lines, etc.) are all included in the program of this festive year. Foreigners, even those who do not know the city, have without knowing it a representation in their minds, the vision of Monet in Impression, soleil levant, the painting that founded the Impressionist movement.
Un été au Havre, from 27 May to 8 October 2017.

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