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Art Books and Exhibitions Catalogues

A complete choice of art books and exhibition catalogues

Painting, sculpture, photography, biographies, history of art, reference works, the French production is quite sizeable. Internet bookshops list hundreds of thousands of titles...

We review for you, every week, a few new books worth your attention, and you can find - and order - them in our "Our Art Books" section. But that is only a glimpse. You will find here all French art books presently available.


Painting, sculpture, biographies, history of art, reference works...

Amazon has everything, or nearly everything...

We limit ourselves here to the 13000 books listed under  "Museums and  exhibitions". But sophisticated search engines open every possible research areas.

Don't forget photography and photographers...

whose influence is more important everyday in all fields of art.
From daguereotypes to the most contemporary experiences...

And the Exhibition catalogues that are so difficult to get

You missed the exhibition or did not buy the catalogue at the time. Now you need it. You are in trouble... Museums are not always properly equiped to store and ship them. And they are quite often essential reference books in their specific domain. We found 4000 here. Try your luck... 

The most direct source remains the Réunion des Musée Nationaux

Réunion des Musée Nationaux is one of the leading European art publishers.  Alone or in partnership, RMN  accompanies temporary exhibitions and cultural events with catalogues, brochures, DVDS and art books of all kinds, including children ones. Make good use of it...