Home > Art shows > Alberto Guzman, Reliefs, Œuvres récentes, pièces uniques en bronze

Alberto Guzman, Reliefs, Œuvres récentes, pièces uniques en bronze

Alberto Guzman, Reliefs, Recent works, uniques bronze works
From may 26 to june 18 2005

The sculptures shown are from 2001 to 2005. These are unique works in which the bronze is worke din thin layers, in reliefs, ornate with traces, lines and writings. These are light sculptures. Alberto Guzman gets his inspiration from Nature, the earth, sand, the stars and light.


17, rue des Beaux-Arts
75006 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 43 54 85 74
Fax 01 43 54 11 12
Mail ajpmeyer@aol.com
Web http:/ / www.galerie-meyer-oceanic-art.com
Alberto Guzman, Relief N°101 Bronze pièce unique, 2005, 78 x 50 x 50 cm