Les années 50, la mode en France 1947-1957
Following World War II Paris was a dim shadow of what it had been. Braque, Matisse, Picasso, Soutine, the heros of the previous decades, had all grown old or disappeard. The USA, with Pollock in the lead, were preparing a revolution of abstract expressionismt. Nevertheless, there was one field in which the city seemed stronger than ever, fashion. Ever since the New Look collection in 1947, the great couturier of avenue Montaigne called the cards. But Christian Dior was not alone. In his wake we have Balmain, Jacques Fath, Givenchy who dressed Audrey Hepburn, and the young Pierre Cardin. A beautiful exhibition at the palais Galliera (until 2 November) shows the extraordinary birth of such talents, shown by the mythical models Dovima and Bettina- among others, and was served by great photographers such as Avedon and Henry Clarke.
Review published in the newsletter #355 - from 11 September 2014 to 17 September 2014