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Art Of The Day Weekly
Every week, since April 2006, ArtoftheDay weekly brings you what's on in the world of art, in France and in Europe. Important, new or unusual events, exhibitions, auctions, fairs, artists, museums and galleries life, art books... You will find here, sorted by year, the summaries of all the issues published since its inception. Click on any of them, the complete issue will appear.
And if you want to go back further to the beginning of the century, our Archives section offers an extensive coverage of the world of art published on our dite since 2001.
- #71 - from 20 December 2007 to 9 January 2008
- This is our last issue for 2007. Our next newsletter will appear next year, on January 10 2008 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - IN THE AIR: Extension of the period of youth - MAJOR CONSTRUCTION SITES: Very dear excesses - EXHIBITIONS: The museums of tomorrow - Chavaz, between watercolors and ball point pen - Words in art - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Michael Craig-Martin, the spirit of objects - BOOKS: Write, something will always remain
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- #70 - from 13 December 2007 to 19 December 2007
- IN THE AIR: McCarthy, chocolate flavored ketchup - EXHIBITIONS: Paris-Bordeaux in 1900 - The virgin forest in the Pas-de-Calais region - Sottsass 90 - HERITAGE: Something new at the Villa Papyrus - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Eric Rondepierre, cinema first and always - BOOKS: IN BRIEF: ON ARTOFTHEDAY.INFO: This week, do not miss - ROBERT G. SCHMIDT, RECENT WORKS -
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- #69 - from 6 December 2007 to 12 December 2007
- IN THE AIR: Take my Koons, give me your Magna Carta - THE MARKET: Miami with its beaches and its Art Basel - EXHIBITIONS: Grünewald: the reunification - A descent into Hell - MUSEUMS: Communicate! - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: BOOKS: Buffet takes shape again
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- #68 - from 29 November 2007 to 5 December 2007
- IN THE AIR: A Streetcar named politics? - MUSEUMS: The New Museum’s new clothes - EXHIBITIONS: Tutankhamen, the return - Under the panache of Henri IV - Mulas, the artists’ eye - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Tatiana Trouvé - BOOKS: The artist in front of a landscape
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- #67 - from 22 November 2007 to 28 November 2007
- IN THE AIR: Nothing left to sell - EXHIBITIONS: America! - Alechinsky, a life after Cobra - When Versailles shone with 1000 lights - PHOTOGRAPHY: Impressions of Africa - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Michael Light: seen from the top - BOOKS: Treasures of Hungary
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- #66 - from 15 November 2007 to 21 November 2007
- IN THE AIR: Rubens without the flames - EXHIBITIONS: Velazquez, a painter of History - How do you do, Mr. Fabre? - The Gino enigma - FAIRS: A decade of Paris Photo - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Fabrice Gygi: a cruel world - BOOKS: Initiation to Courbet
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- #65 - from 8 November 2007 to 14 August 2007
- IN THE AIR: The case of the Fourth Plinth - EXHIBITIONS: Hodler, landscapes and death - The road to Carthage - MUSEUMS: To the conquest of China - HERITAGE: Where is our environment going? - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Jean Le Gac has found his treasure - BOOKS: Afghan monochrome
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- #64 - from 1 November 2007 to 7 November 2007
- IN THE AIR: A real obstacle course - MUSEUMS: The greater Prado is born - All for one and Ungerer for all - EXHIBITIONS: Germany at the brink of its dark age - FESTIVAL: Images from elsewhere - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Jim Shaw: deux ex machina - BOOKS: Helman, a Rumanian in Paris
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- #63 - from 25 October 2007 to 1 November 2007
- IN THE AIR: Soft or brutal recession? - EXHIBITIONS: Another Siena - Paris-loving Japanese - Canova meets Venus - MUSEUMS: The Louvre: Kiefer follows in Braque’s footsteps - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Philippe Ramette: his upside downs - BOOKS: Group spirit
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- #62 - from 18 October 2007 to 24 October 2007
- IN THE AIR: Help, Harry Potter is coming! - EXHIBITIONS: Giacometti, the foundation - Titian, the last scene - Rembrandt, Frans Hals, and friends - THE MARKET: FIAC and surroundings - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Richard Fauguet - BOOKS: Lucien Clergue, beyond nudity
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- #61 - from 11 October 2007 to 17 October 2007
- IN THE AIR: The artist, the judge and the shopping center - EXHIBITIONS: Bourgeois, the Great - Is Courbet still scandalous? - Carriés and his monsters - THE MARKET: Frieze, act V - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: François Morellet: geometry, sweet sin - BOOKS: France and its monuments
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- #60 - from 4 October 2007 to 10 October 2007
- IN THE AIR: Sponsorship made to last - EXHIBITIONS: What was once Nigeria... - Rothko in Rome - The Persian force - FESTIVAL: Europe in your pocket - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Claude Lévêque: ode to the smelting furnace - BOOKS: Being an artist in the XIXth century
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- #59 - from 27 September 2007 to 3 October 2007
- IN THE AIR: France, your art market is still moving... - EXHIBITIONS: Millais, Pre-Raphaelitism and big bucks - Ferrara revisited - Design through the ages - MUSEUMS: Arp on the mountain - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Mario García-Torres - BOOKS: Paris, version X
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- #58 - from 20 September 2007 to 26 September 2007
- IN THE AIR: Jurassic skilift - EXHIBITIONS: Lee Miller, and the oracle became photographer - Picasso, Cubist or not Cubist? - Medardo Rosso - FESTIVAL: A new beginning for Toulouse - BOOKS: Images of the Wild West - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Kees Visser; this season’s hits
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- #57 - from 13 September 2007 to 19 September 2007
- IN THE AIR: Fifteen little Chinese - MUSEUMS: A site for architecture - EXHIBITIONS: Rubens and Co. - Arcimboldo’s pot-pourris - BIENNALE OF LYONS - Much ado about nothing? - MARKET: In praise of collections - BOOKS: The Maurizio affair
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- #56 - from 6 September 2007 to 12 September 2007
- IN THE AIR: The FRACs come to you - EXHIBITiONS - Going through Beyeler - To be Pollock or not to be? - In Jason’s footsteps - PHOTOGRAPHY: Threats to photojournalism - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Malik Sidibé, focus on Africa - BOOKS: Kiki in a cartoon strip
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- #55 - from 12 July 2007 to 5 September 2007
- IN THE AIR: Summer showers will bring Autumn events - EXHIBITIONS: Tribute to Barcelona - Krugier’s treasures - Gonzalez, the man of iron - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Norman Dilworth: art as an exact science - BOOKS: Vollard’s journal
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- #54 - from 5 July 2007 to 11 July 2007
- IN THE AIR: Monuments too have their Pop Idol - EXHIBITIONS: Patinir, the inventor of landscape painting - Richard Long, the stone age - RESTORATION: David on the operating table - THE MARKET: Christie’s and Sotheby’s dabble in ancient art - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Felice Varini draws the line - BOOKS: The Quai Branly, a thinking forum
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- #53 - from 28 June 2007 to 4 July 2007
- IN THE AIR: Toulouse, one metro ahead - PHOTOGRAPHY: Arles, the Indian summer - EXHIBITIONS: Tanguy, back to Brittany - The dark land of dreams - MUSEUMS: Strasbourg reviews its history - THE ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Damien Hirst; not again! - BOOKS: In the eye of the Cyclope
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- #52 - from 21 June 2007 to 27 June 2007
- IN THE AIR: Back to Versailles - MUSEUMS: Berardo, the Pinault of Portugal - EXHIBITIONS: Weegee, the famous - The art of the Dutch portrait - Pierre & Gilles, creating together - BOOKS: Tastes and colors - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: IN BRIEF:
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- #51 - from 14 June 2007 to 21 June 2007
- IN THE AIR: Artists without borders - EXHIBITIONS: Freud in Ireland - Saint Ambroise of modern art - Armenian photographs in Ethiopia - MUSEUMS: An art gallery over by Fauchon’s - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Alain Kirili: sculpture as a sign - BOOKS: War paintings
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- #50 - from 7 June 2007 to 13 June 2007
- IN THE AIR: Venice? Basel? Kassel? - EVENTS: Like every year, Art Basel is back - Like every other year, Venice - EXHIBITIONS: Annette’s messages - Like every five years, Documenta in Kassel - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Martial Raysse: the former fan of New Realism - BOOKS: Courbet’s Big Bang
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- #49 - from 31 May 2007 to 6 June 2007
- IN THE AIR: EXHIBITIONS: Dali and the art of cinema - For a few Serras more: - A bridge over expressionism - DIGITAL ART: Video-artists of the world... - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Erro: abundance has never hurt anyone - BOOKS: Barbier-Mueller
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- #48 - from 24 May 2007 to 30 July 2007
- IN THE AIR: The grand Kiefer at the Grand Palais - EXHIBITIONS: Electricity and design - Moser, the handy man - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Aki Kuroda in all directions - PHOTOGRAPHY: Photo Espana, ten! - BOOKS: A generous spirit
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- #47 - from 17 May 2007 to 23 May 2007
- IN THE AIR: Renoir, an artist or an industry? - EXHIBITIONS: Hopper, an American classic - Manzoni: merda at the madre - Rodin, the Rising Sun - MUSEUMS: A museum is beautiful at night - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Cyprien Gaillard, an anatomy of the landscape - BOOKS: This is Belgian surrealism
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- #46 - from 10 May 2007 to 16 May 2007
- IN THE AIR: Stop the water level from rising - Poiret’s clothing - Adventuresome botanists - Far away Cubisms - SALES: A Pope, some white and a N°16 - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: John Chamberlain, César’s American cousin - BOOKS: The artists and the State
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- #45 - from 3 May 2007 to 9 May 2007
- IN THE AIR: It pays to go through Bacon’s rubbish - EXHIBITIONS: A very French Summer of ’42 - To the East, the porcelain - ARCHITECTURE: On the Seine, building to last - Cézanne versus Gris - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Philippe Pasqua, the call of the flesh - BOOKS: Intimate Lalique
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- #44 - from 26 April 2007 to 2 May 0200
- IN THE AIR: A European dream - EXHIBITIONS: Champaigne for all! - The La Caze affair - Mario Merz, his secret drawings - HERITAGE: Sicilian Baroque is afraid of oil - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Jorg Immendorf: expressionism bis - BOOKS: The keys to Oceanic art
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- #43 - from 19 April 2007 to 25 April 2007
- IN THE AIR: The Metropolitan museum is reassessing its Roman and Greek collections - EXHIBITIONS: In town - Max and the Dutch - The return of postman - FAIRS: Over in Brussels - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Hiroshi Sugimoto: black & white - BOOKS: Mies van der Rohe
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- #42 - from 12 April 2007 to 18 April 2007
- IN THE AIR: Museums, the cathedrals of the XXIst century - EXHIBITIONS: Palazuelo, work process - Anselm Kieter, prior to Monumenta - Bulgaria, the gold test - FAIRS: A Spring in Cologne - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Philippe Parreno: - BOOKS: The new Akoun is out
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- #41 - from 5 April 2007 to 11 April 2007
- IN THE AIR: The Spoil System - EXHIBITIONS: Matisse, the son - Splendors of Gupta India - Mysteries of New-Ireland - ARCHITECTURE: Vote for Rogers! - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Dubossarsky and Vinogradov : a Russian cocktail - BOOKS: Fontainebleau, the beautiful
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- #40 - from 29 March 2007 to 4 April 2007
- IN THE AIR: Look for woman - EXHIBITIONS: Piero, a symbol of the Renaissance - Surrealism through objects - Archeology of daily life - THE MARKET: Bis, repetitat Art Paris - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Andreas Gursky: photography at the summit - BOOKS: An initiation to Chinese art
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- #39 - from 22 March 2007 to 28 March 2007
- IN THE AIR: The millions of Tutankhamen - EXHIBITIONS: Pop art, French style - They have brought Praxitele back to life - Atget, the top of the top in Paris - SALES: Drawing is holding its own - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Icon Tada:the invisible man - BOOKS: At Giacometti’s
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- #38 - from 15 March 2007 to 21 March 2007
- IN THE AIR: EXHIBITIONS: Munch, beyond The Scream - Another Monet - Juan Munoz, the sculptor who also drew - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Michel Potage: in the intimacy of the workshop - SALES: The thousand and one passions of Bruni-Tedeschi - BOOKS: Business as usual?
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- #37 - from 8 March 2007 to 14 March 2007
- IN THE AIR: The billion of Abu Dhabi - FAIRS: TEFAF celebrates its 20 years - EXHIBITIONS: They have made Beckett speak - Fontainebleau, the mother of all forests - MUSEUMS: A farewell to Bouchard - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Mike Kelley, installations everywhre - BOOKS: Liberty, equality, art?
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- #36 - from 1 March 2007 to 7 March 2007
- IN THE AIR: To lend or not to lend... - EXHIBITIONS: Lalique is all sparkles - Lynch power - Armenia, a long christian memory - HERITAGE: Mobilization for a Poussin - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Christina Iglesias: in hommage to vegetable - BOOKS: Désiré Charnay, when photography was an adventure
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- #35 - from 22 February 2007 to 28 February 2007
- IN THE AIR: Sell, something will come from it - EXHIBITIONS: In praise of the stain - Fischli & Weiss, pairs everywhere - Pascin, high on women - MUSEUMS: A Museum dear to Flaubert - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Chuck Close, definitely not a cliché - BOOKS: The keys to sponsorship
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- #34 - from 15 February 2007 to 21 February 2007
- IN THE AIR: A history of bones - MARKET: Arco on Lourdes time - EXHIBITIONS: Gilbert & George, the irrefutable proof - Friesz, the return - ARTISTOFTHEWEEK: Christoph von Weyhe: a port is beautiful at night - BOOKS: Ten years with Charchoune
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- #33 - from 8 February 2007 to 14 February 2007
- IN THE AIR: One Pollock too many? - HERITAGE: Nantes, the return of the ducs - PUBLIC COMMISSION: Barceló consecrated - MUSEUMS: With or without the Louvre? - EXHIBITIONS: Mark Dion, long live natural history - THE ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Marina Abramovic, great priestess of performances - BOOKS: Modern art, step by step
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- #32 - from 1 February 2007 to 6 February 2020
- IN THE AIR: The Fabre spirit - MUSEUMS: Major works at the Prado - EXHIBITIONS: A shower of portraits - Bra black - AUCTIONS: Troyes, the capital of modern art - THE ARTIST OF THE WEEK: McDermott & McGough, - BOOKS: Paris autrefois. Du Moyen Âge à la Belle Epoque
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- #31 - from 25 January 2007 to 31 January 2007
- IN THE AIR: Beaubourg, the roaring thirties? - MUSEUMS: The Louvre of records - EXHIBITIONS: Redon: black is on - How tall can the Defense be? - Bourdelle invigorated by Sarkis - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Jan Fabre: the carnival strolls by, the dogs bark - BOOKS: Marcel Duchamp
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- #30 - from 18 January 2007 to 24 January 2007
- IN THE AIR: Texas and the flying bananas - EXHIBITIONS: Canaletto-upon-Thames - Baselitz travels through time - Pages full of Greece - MARKET: Last souvenirs of a Greek king - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Yann Toma : «Let there be West-Light! » - BOOKS: Primaticcio, as in 1540
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- #29 - from 11 January 2007 to 17 January 2007
- IN THE AIR: Museum, tell me your name? - CONTEMPORARY ART: The Swiss are coming to see us - 1 000 044 candles for art - A club of five in New York - EXHIBITIONS: The shock of photos - PATRIMONY: Vauban beats Le Corbusier - BOOKS: Courbet
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- #28 - From 4 January 2007 To 10 January 2007
- Happy New Year! Following the holiday break, your weekly newsletter is back . There is little news to give during this time of year and this is a good moment to draw up a statement on the past year and to talk to you about what is awaiting you... - IN THE AIR: An end to art seen as merchandise? - MUSEUMS: 2007: reopenings expected in France... - ...and around the world - EXHIBITIONS: Soon to come: artists of the past... - ...and creators of today - MARKET: Christie's crushes out the competition
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