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Art Of The Day Weekly
Every week, since April 2006, ArtoftheDay weekly brings you what's on in the world of art, in France and in Europe. Important, new or unusual events, exhibitions, auctions, fairs, artists, museums and galleries life, art books... You will find here, sorted by year, the summaries of all the issues published since its inception. Click on any of them, the complete issue will appear.
And if you want to go back further to the beginning of the century, our Archives section offers an extensive coverage of the world of art published on our dite since 2001.
- #327 - from 19 December 2013 to 8 January 2014
- IN THE AIR: While awaiting 2014, good reading for Christmas - Surrealism through objects - Hollywood on Seine - The Holy Sepulchre of gold and silver - Magyar modernity - Pasolini, all roads lead to Rome - Wols behind the lens - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 20 December 2013 - ANGOULÊME - Cité internationale de la BD -
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- #326 - from 12 December 2013 to 18 December 2013
- IN THE AIR: New museums in Europe - MUSEUMS: Bordeaux pampers Delacroix - Brussels, an ode to fin de siècle - The Arnaud foundation, a perfect frame for XIX century painting - Tate Britain, a return to the fundamentals - Valence, from prehistory to Alechinsky - BOOKS: Barcelo seen from far - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 12 December 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Duboys -
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- #325 - from 5 December 2013 to 11 December 2013
- IN THE AIR: A celebrity today, unknown tomorrow? - 10 ARTISTS WORTH REDISCOVERING: 1 Aldegrever, in praise of what is minute - 2 Jean Cousin, a pioneer of the nude - 3 Carlo Saraceni, a powerful artist of the chiaro-oscuro - 4 Castiglione, a genius engraver - 5 Ramsay, a prince of portrait artists - 6 Graff and the celebrities of the Enlightment - 7 Vincent, the first of the Romantics - 8 Miville, a travelling landscape artist - 9 Neder, a report on Austria in the XIXth century - 10 Regoyos, the first Spanish Impressionist - AUCTIONS: Maurice Chevalier’s bathtub - BOOKS: Viollet-le-Duc, the return
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- #324 - from 28 November 2013 to 4 December 2013
- IN THE AIR: Turner, prince of the sea - EXHIBITIONS: Ten centuries in Florence - These exhibitions also open this week...: Pirandello, the son - Fragonard beyond the Rhin - Cartier, a leader of taste - AUCTIONS: The shapes of Dina - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Stefan Sagmeister, the design of happiness - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 29 November 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Alberta Pane - BOOKS: Top 200
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- #323 - from 21 November 2013 to 27 November 2013
- IN THE AIR: The most famous Italian painting from the XXth century - EXHIBITIONS: Lyon, the broken dream of 1914 - These exhibitions have just opened…: Rowlandson, a master of satire - Bringing Pompei back to life - Rodin and Greece - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Eva Kotatkova: away with standards! - AUCTIONS: Wonderful, popular art! - BOOKS: Masonic paint brushes
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- #322 - from 14 November 2013 to 20 November 2013
- IN THE AIR: Paris succombs to photography in 15 events - FAIRS: 1 Paris Photo - 2 Fotofever - EXHIBITIONS: 3 Raymond Depardon - 4 Yousuf Karsh - 5 América latina 1960-2013 - 6 Erwin Blumenfeld - 7 Brassaï - 8 Hiroshi Sugimoto - 9 Anders Petersen - 10 Strömholm and Engström - 11 Franco Pagetti - AUCTIONS: 12 The treasures of the Institut catholique - 13 The Agathe Gaillard collection - 14 The world of movies - 15 From the Nile to Diane Arbus - BOOKS: Larrain, a non-typical Magnum - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 16 November 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Christophe Gaillard -
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- #321 - from 7 November 2013 to 13 November 2013
- IN THE AIR: Is art to the left? - EXHIBITIONS: 1914, a black year - AUCTIONS: Napoleonic passions - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Denis Rouvre, Kanaky 2013 - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 7 November 2013 - BRUSSELS - Galerie Valérie Bach - BOOKS: The end of taxidermy
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- #320 - from 31 October 2013 to 6 November 2013
- IN THE AIR: When China was calm and contemplative - EXHIBITIONS: Michel Coxcie is resurrected - Surrealist materialism - These exhibitions also open...: Vienna-Berlin axis - Peek-a-boo Dubuffet - Chalet society again - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Latifa Echakhch, the 2013 Duchamp winner - BOOKS: Artists in hell
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- #319 - from 24 October 2013 to 30 October 2013
- IN THE AIR: High cuisine steps into the museums - EXHIBITIONS: Dürer, a true man of the Renaissance - The Iroquois myth - Pinault on Seine - Australian passions - The 1001 talents of Le Nôtre - FAIRS: The roaring fortieth - AUCTIONS: Souvenirs of a bacteriologist book lover - BOOKS: Paper lace
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- #318 - from 17 October 2013 to 23 October 2013
- IN THE AIR: Art deco, a second wind from Paris - EXHIBITIONS: Malevich, as much as you like - Angkor resurrected! - These exhibitions also open this week…: Pre-Colombian visions - Klee goes English - Poliakoff, the return - AUCTIONS: Helleu, old times snobbism - BOOKS: Niki, mother of the Nanas
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- #317 - from 10 October 2013 to 16 October 2013
- IN THE AIR: Do you like to dream? - EXHIBITIONS: Kanak, art half a world away - Frida fever - The bel Antonello - AUCTIONS: Marseille through the ages - BOOKS: Russia revealed - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 12 October 2013 - NÎMES - Carré d’Art - Musée d’art contemporain
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- #316 - from 3 October 2013 to 9 October 2013
- IN THE AIR: Vallotton, a modern man - EXHIBITIONS: Art and hooligans - Diderot’s taste - Kokoschka behind the lens - FESTIVAL: Europalia: focus on India - THE ARTISTS OF THE WEEK: Art precedes demolition - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 8 October 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Esther Woerdehoff - BOOKS: Vallotton between the lines
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- #315 - from 26 September 2013 to 2 October 2013
- IN THE AIR: The world according to Salgado - EXHIBITIONS: Braque, the boss - Man stark naked - These exhibitions also open this week…: The call from Siberia - ...and from Australia - Etruscan mysteries - BOOKS: A gust of fresh, Florentine air - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: The towns dreamt by Farah Atassi - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 27 September 2013 - LA LOUVIÈRE (Belgium) - Centre de la Gravure
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- #314 - from 19 September 2013 to 25 September 2013
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- #313 - from 12 September 2013 to 18 September 2013
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- #312 - from 8 August 2013 to 11 September 2013
- 30 EXHIBITIONS NOT TO BE MISSED THIS SUMMER: 1 Southern lights - 2 A close look at Van Gogh - 3 Nolde, master of colors - 4 Max Ernst is back - 5 Pasolini Roma - 6 Meret Oppenheim, the Surrealist muse - 7 Albert Kahn, world knowledge - 8 Morandi, the master of still-life - 9 In the Kennedy suite - 10 From Saint Petesburg with love - 11 Turrell, the light man - 12 Rubens, a European champion - 13 Lowry, an unknown giant - 14 The strait laced Tudors - 15 Pissarro, the top Impressionist - 16 Vertigo way up high - 17 Zavattini as a collector - 18 Nordic Winds - 19 Focus on Le Corbusier - 20 Pistoletto, the wealth of poor art - 21 Ratton, the call from beyond - 22 Johannesburg, global city - 23 The French touch of the Bouroullec - 24 Works of art, your ID please! - 25 The mechanism of spoliation - 26 Chaissac-Dubuffet, a wealthy correspondence - 27 Another Lichtenstein - 28 The colors of philosophy - 29 Lartigue, the eternal - 30 Not really a Looser -
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- #311 - from 11 July 2013 to 7 August 2013
- IN THE AIR: Pop is fashion - SUMMER EXHIBITIONS: Thoma, too much love, from the wrong side - Kitaj, a question of identity - Ferran Adrià, portrait of the chef as an artist - Falsies, of all types - At the time of Altamira - VENICE BIENNALE: Assessing the Encyclopedic Palace - SUMMER READING: Forgotten Romanticism - Paris fashion -
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- #310 - from 4 July 2013 to 10 July 2013
- IN THE AIR: A very young, 58 year-old exhibition - EXHIBITIONS: Art as the child of the Mexican revolution - A history of the feminine nude - These exhibitions also open this week…: Steichen glamor - Eight visions of Matisse - The eternal black dress - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Jacob Hashimoto, light as silk - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 5 July 2013 - GAILLAC - Musée des Beaux-Arts - BOOKS: The mysteries of New Ireland
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- #309 - from 27 June 2013 to 3 July 2013
- IN THE AIR: Letter from Stockholm - EXHIBITIONS: The colors of philosophy - Lichtenstein, is not who we think he is - These exhibitions also open this week...: Frida Kahlo and her friends - Plants from the XVIIth century - Man and hunting - PHOTOGRAPHY: Arles, black and white - BOOKS: Notes from Landru - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 28 June 2013 - MONACO - Villa Paloma
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- #308 - from 20 June 2013 to 26 June 2013
- IN THE AIR: Lowry, an unknown giant - EXHIBITIONS: Ratton, the call from beyond - These exhibitions also open this week…: Vermeer, the music lover - Modogliani in Switzerland - Costa-Gavras’ lens - AUCTIONS: In praise of all that is small - ARTISTS OF THE WEEK: Over by the Aborigene - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 22 June 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Patricia Dorfmann - BOOKS: Tony Garnier, a forgotten visonnary
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- #307 - from 13 June 2013 to 19 June 2013
- IN THE AIR: All is well, we are in a crisis. - EXHIBITIONS: Southern lights - These exhibitions also open this week…: Nolde, master of colors - The mirage of the Normandie - Focus on Le Corbusier - AUCTIONS: The pedigree of the candelabra - BOOKS: The birth of Spirou - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 15 June 2013 - LA TRONCHE - Musée Hébert -
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- #306 - from 6 June 2013 to 12 June 2013
- IN THE AIR: How to tell MUCEM from MUMOK or MAMBO? - VENICE BIENNALE: Assessing the Encyclopedic Palace - EXHIBITIONS: A session of show and tell with Morandi - These exhibitions also open this week: Faking it...oh really? - British stars - Not really a Looser - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Penone, the man-torso - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 12 June 2013 - LYON - Fondation Bullukian - AUCTIONS: Very Arty Erté - BOOKS: Le Corbusier as told by Le Corbusier
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- #305 - from 30 May 2013 to 5 June 2013
- IN THE AIR: Venice Biennale, the roaring 55th! - LIVE FROM THE 55TH VENICE BIENNALE: Assessing the Encyclopedic Palace - Venice before the opening - EXHIBITIONS: Pissarro, the top Impressionist - These exhibitions also open this week...: North winds - Honor to Ginsberg - Titanic, the return - AUCTIONS: Art that moves - BOOKS: Correspondance between artists - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 31 May 2013 - BREST - Musée national de la Marine
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- #304 - from 23 May 2013 to 29 May 2013
- IN THE AIR: Turrell, the light man - THE OTHER ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Pistoletto, the wealth of poor art - THE EXHIBITIONS THAT OPEN: Pasolini Roma - Max is back! - In the Kennedy suite - AUCTIONS: Atlan, a century later - BOOKS: Velickovic, three shades of black
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- #303 - from 16 May 2013 to 22 May 2013
- IN THE AIR: From Saint Petesburg with love - EXHIBITIONS: Pretty font types - What is it like in China? - Rubens, a European champion - Treasures from the Barber Institute - The new look of transhumance - Vertigo way up high - Hantaï, pleats please - Paris, as seen by Cortazar - After Arte Povera - BOOKS: Music as played by Jacques Demy
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- #302 - from 9 May 2013 to 15 May 2013
- IN THE AIR: The punks walk into the Met - EXHIBITIONS: The strait laced Tudors - These exhibitions also open this week: ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Susan Hefuna, various ’moucharabiehs’ - BOOKS: Sketches along the way - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 10 May 2013 - MARSEILLE - ZINC Centre d’Arts et Cultures numériques -
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- #301 - from 2 May 2013 to 8 May 2013
- IN THE AIR: Be modern, go back to the 17th century - EXHIBITIONS: Nancy looks at the Renaissance - Mattia Preti, another Caravaggio - The 17th, but in the galleries - BOOKS: Georges de la Tour, saved from oblivion
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- #300 - from 25 April 2013 to 1 May 2013
- IN THE AIR: Shush, Van Gogh at work - EXHIBITIONS: A glimpse of Louvre Abu Dhabi - These exhibitions also open this week: Dali back home - The Bouroullec, an assessment - Manet on the lagoon - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Eva Jospin, the essential forest - AUCTIONS: Let us now praise slush - BOOKS: Beltracchi, the love of forging
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- #299 - from 18 April 2013 to 24 April 2013
- IN THE AIR: Haring, the comeback - EXHIBITIONS: Tamara de Lempicka, an icon of Art déco - These exhibitions also open this week…: Rediscover Dalou - Morain, visual memory - New York, New York - AUCTIONS: From one Crillon to another - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Ron Mueck, a special kind of reality - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 18 April 2013 – BRUSSELLS – Galerie Nathalie Obadia - BOOKS: Requiem for the postcard
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- #298 - from 11 April 2013 to 17 April 2013
- IN THE AIR: Is Paris drawing? - EXHIBITIONS: The art of movement - These exhibitions also open this week: Oldenburg, daily life - Italian Impressionism - Ricciotti, Southern architectures - AUCTIONS: Joseph Baqué’s wild bestiary - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Carrasquer, the exegete of a cruel world - BOOKS: The genesis of chaos - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 12 April 2013 - PARIS - Air de Paris
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- #297 - from 4 April 2013 to 10 April 2013
- IN THE AIR: A new head for the Louvre - EXHIBITIONS: Rodin, a man of the Antiquity - These exhibitions also open this week...: Méliès, the man of 500 movies - The mystery of the Philippines - Franco-German architectural ballet - AUCTIONS: Prints, a sure value during the crisis - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Geneviève Asse in the blue - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 9 April 2013 - PARIS - Mobilier national - BOOKS: A Romanticism that is scary -
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- #296 - from 28 March 2013 to 3 April 2013
- IN THE AIR: Why is German painting not better known? - EXHIBITIONS: Pompei, it’s like being there - These exhibitions also open this week…: Fernand Léger’s urban side - Signac, a man from the sea - The fragile beauty of Murano - AUCTIONS: Cornette’s week - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Catté, towns in cardboard - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 30 March 2013 - PARIS - Galerie ECI - BOOKS: Jacoulet in the country of the rising sun
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- #295 - from 21 March 2013 to 27 March 2013
- IN THE AIR: The last letter of Marcel Duchamp - EXHIBITIONS: Klee, texts and images - These exhibitions also open this week...: Boudin, the king of skies - Delvaux in Italy - Artists on maps - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Roberto Platé, the world is a stage - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 21 March 2013 - BRUSSELS - Mazel Galerie - AUCTIONS: Barbier-Mueller, goodbye to America - BOOKS: Artists in 1914, the art of camouflage
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- #294 - from 14 March 2013 to 20 March 2013
- IN THE AIR: Focus on tomorrow’s design - EXHIBITIONS: Peter the Great, the return to The Netherlands - These exhibitions have just opened…: Antonioni’s artistic soul - Cordial understanding between London and Russia - The dark side of Romanticism - AUCTIONS: Picasso, for drinking and for eating - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Haendel, extra-large drawings - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 20 March 2013 - PARIS - Galerie W - BOOKS: Another way of looking at hospitals
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- #293 - from 7 March 2013 to 13 March 2013
- IN THE AIR: Letter from Rome - EXHIBITIONS: Titian and the fourty paintings - Also to be seen in Rome...: Bruegel and his family - Cubism, a century later - Marinetti’s paintings - Multi-talented De Sica - Alighiero back in Rome - At home with Mario Praz - The unknown Scalia - Soulages ever young - Thayou at Macro - AUCTIONS: Czech masters - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Sam Szafran, the art of pastels - BOOKS: Aveyron and modernity - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 9 March 2013 - Paris - Galerie Magda Danysz
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- #292 - from 28 February 2013 to 6 March 2013
- IN THE AIR: Vienna, capital of the cabinets of curiosities - EXHIBITIONS: The young Picasso - These exhibitions also open this week: Matisse and his cut outs - Modernity according to Albin-Guillot - The Spanish war in a suitcase - AUCTIONS: The discovery of the Tuaregs - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Azulis Mindaugas, being happy in Lithuania - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 28 February 2013 - BORDEAUX - CAPC - BOOKS: Courbet the hunter
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- #291 - from 21 February 2013 to 27 February 2013
- IN THE AIR: Michelangelo in prison - EXHIBITIONS: Barocci, a new Renaissance? - These exhibitions also open this week…: Lichtenstein back in London - Movement according to Julio Le Parc - Marie Laurencin, Japanese connection - AUCTIONS: Franquin, a prince of comic strips - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Francesco Vezzoli brings Olga Picasso back - BOOKS: Erotic Rodin - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 22 February 2013 - NANTES - Musée des Beaux-Arts
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- #290 - from 14 February 2013 to 20 February 2013
- IN THE AIR: Where did I put my head? - EXHIBITIONS: A wind of folly - These exhibitions also open this week...: The sources of neo-classicism - When Picasso was twenty years old - Duchamp stripped naked by his disciples - Matta on the Vieux-Port - Gutai, the pioneers of performances - Breuer, the spirit of Bauhaus - American quilts - 50 shades of Gray - Ziem, an apostle of color - BOOKS: Jean-Hubert Martin, looking for the outsider - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 14 February 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès
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- #289 - from 7 February 2013 to 13 February 2013
- IN THE AIR: Jean-Paul Gauthier enters the museum - EXHIBITIONS: Modern art is 20,000 years old - These exhibitions also open this week…: Watteau’s melody - The grandeur of Ancient Greece - Man Ray, the portrait artist - Impressionists out in the open - Chagall, ten years - AUCTIONS: History in posters - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Alexandre Singh, a human comedy - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 8 FEBRUARY 2013 - SÈTE (France) - CRAC - BOOKS: The hidden face of Versailles
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- #288 - from 31 January 2013 to 6 February 2013
- IN THE AIR: Did Picasso steal the Mona Lisa? - EXHIBITIONS: Fascism and art - THESE EXHIBITIONS OPEN THIS WEEK...: Eluard, mad about art - Gilles Caron, a flashing reporter - Gold from Peru - Schinkel, the call of Greece - At Pietro Bembo’s - Pisano, the Spaniard from Montparnasse - AUCTIONS: A diamond as big as the Ritz - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Berengo Gardin and his million snapshots - BOOKS: The art of puzzles
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- #287 - from 24 January 2013 to 30 January 2013
- IN THE AIR: Mysteries of Albania - EXHIBITIONS: Heads by Manet - 5 other exhibitions that open this week: Hodler’s last hours - Rear view canvas - Schwitters’ English period - Art brut 2013 - Will the real Mozart please stand up - AUCTIONS: Renaissance in winter - Contemporary artists for Madagascar - BOOKS: Jesse Fernandez, a universal Cuban - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 26 January 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Dix9 Hélène Lacharmoise
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- #286 - from 17 January 2013 to 23 January 2013
- IN THE AIR: Rodin at Charles de Gaulle airport - EXHIBITIONS: Le Corbusier and the North - 6 other exhibitions that open this week: 1 Matta’s fictions - 2 Cisneros’ abstract treasure - 3 Vishniac’s lost world - 4 Greenberg vintage - 5 The street according to Meyerowitz - 6 Max Ernst, a giant of the XXth century - ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Walid Raad and the aggiornamento of Islam - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 20 January 2013 - LUXEMBOURG - Casino Luxembourg - BOOKS: Intellectuals in the land of the Soviets
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- #285 - from 10 January 2013 to 16 January 2013
- IN THE AIR: Marseille, European Capital of Culture: 10 iconic events - 1 The opening weekend, 12 & 13 January 2013 - 2 Mediterraneans, 12 January to 18 May - 3 Here, elsewhere, 12 January to 31 March - 4 Matta, Surrealism and history, 15 February to 19 May - 5 Opening of the FRAC and the museum Regards de Provence - 6 This is (not) music, 3 May to 9 June - 7 Opening of the Musée d’Histoire and of the ancient port, June - 8 The great workshop of the Midi, 13 June to 13 October - 9 Opening of the MUCEM, end of Spring - 10 Le Corbusier and the question of Brutalism, 11 October to 12 January 2014 - THESE EXHIBITIONS OPEN THIS WEEK IN EUROPE: Schmidt and the derivatives of the food processing industry - The Wild West as seen by Adams - In the beginning was the line - The nuggets of Pont-Aven - OPENINGS OF THE WEEK: 10 January 2013 - PARIS - Galerie Paris-Beijing
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