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About us

Art Aujourd’hui is a multimedia publishing company, created in Paris in 2001 by professionals in publishing, communication and marketing, at the origin of various innovating publications that remain references in their fields, such as Stratégies in the world of communication, or the Journal des Arts for that of art.

Artaujourdhui offers a global information system over the web, and covers, both in English and in French, current events in the visual arts and their market throughout the world. It includes 2 websites and their data bases, -  Artoftheday.info for the English speaking countries and ArtAujourdhui.info  for the French speaking ones - , a weekly web magazine in the two languages ArtoftheDay weekly and ArtAujourdhui hebdo

The two websites host a marketing service that promotes the activities of the art professionals through releases and illustrated articles on its proprietary lists of amateurs and professionals concerned by art.

Who are our subscribers?

The constantly increasing subscribers files currently include 60000 readers throughout the world – 26000 French-speaking ones, 34000 English-speaking ones, 51% in Europe, 41% in America, and 8% in the rest of the world. Museums,curators 17%, Press, TV, Communication 16%, Galeries 15%, Amateurs and collectors 15%, Artists 10%, Education, art schools  9%, Towns cultural departments, Tourism 7%, Experts, auctions 6% Others  (Publishers, Fairs, etc.) 5%.

The quality of the events chosen and the information supplied by this service ensures the constant attention and great loyalty of its readers. Aside from their e-mail addresses, we request from our subscribers their name, their country of residence, their prefered language of communication, their activity or centers of interests, This enables us to only send them information which may be of interest, in the language they chose. This is the most targeted and the most international information distribution service of all European specialized media.

Who uses these services?

The public and private organizations that wish for the public to have better knowledge of their activities: museums, foundations, galleries, antique dealers, fairs and shows, publishers of specialized books and magazines, event organizers. By clicking on Our clients, you will have a list of those who have recently used our services.

If you wish to get more information on our marketing and advertising services and our rates, get in touch with us

ArtAujourd’hui /ArtoftheDay
38, avenue Villemain - 75014 Paris - France
Tél. :+ 33 (0)6 64 92 25 67
e-mail : info@artaujourdhui.com