Advertising rates
The 2 websites and the weekly publications host interactive ads, allowing readers to access the announcer’s website or files on line.
>>On the home page of each website we offer
Horizontal banners over the title
Spots in the right and left column
>>And on the weekly webzines
Horizontal banners over the title and in text
Spots in the left column
RATES , plus VAT where apllicable ( JPG or GIF format)
Weeklies ArtoftheDay weekly / Artaujourdhui hebdo
Published on Thursdays
Spots (125x125)
English or French webzine 1 Insertion 100 Euros
English and French webzine1 Insertion 150 Euros
Double spots (125x240)
English or French webzine 150 Euros
English and French webzine 250 Euros
Horizontal banners (468x60)
English or French webzine 200 Euros
English and French webzine 300 Euros
One week insertion
Spot (160x125)
English or French website1 Insertion 125 Euros
English and French website 1 Insertion 175 Euros
Double spot (160x240)
English or French website 175 Euros
English and French website 275 Euros
Horizontal banners (468x60)
English or French webzine 250 Euros
English and French webzine 350 Euros
Here is a complete illustated presentation of our advertising and marketing services and rates:
>>Call us: Tel 33 (0)6 62 67 11 05
Or give us your data. One of our collaborators will soon be in touch with you and will answer all your questions…