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2001 - 2005, art shows throughout the world seen by ArtoftheDay

Between 2001 and 2005, ArtoftheDay published every day a calendar of art shows opening in museums throughout the world and in French speaking countries art galleries. Each notice, often illustrated, offers a short commentary and a link to the museum or gallery where the exhibition was taking place.

These thousands of notices are a precious source of information and reflect the art trends of the times. By clicking on their title you will get access to their contents.

Group show: Cardenas, Nikki de Saint-Phalle, Lalanne, Mitoraj, ...
From june 30 to july 31 2003
The gallery has gathered works by artists such as Nikki de Saint-Phalle, Lalanne, Mitoraj and others around the artist Cardenas, a great artist of Cuban origin who fascinated various generations by the richness and invention of his art.
David *Tremlett - 37 wall drawings in Issoire
From june 29 to september 21 2003
A tireless traveler for more than thirty years, David Tremlett loves to fill himself with the places he goes to to render them in his workshop.In Issoire he chooses a support he has used since 1976, the wall drawings to report her interaction [...]
Art and matter. Haviland - Limoges 1842 - 2002
From june 28 to september 1 2003
The most prestigious pieces of ceramics manufactured in the middle of the XIXth century, which today have become the flagships of the French art of living, are gathered together here to celebrate the 160 years of the de Haviland ceramics.
Mathieu: For a way of life, annexed works (1948-2003)
From june 28 to september 28 2003
The exhibit gathers together the fields in which painter Mathieu worked: posters, architecture, all that deals with the art of receiving, advertising, sculptur...with the object of creating a style for our century.
Modigliani and the artists of Montparnasse
From june 28 to september 28 2003
This first major exhibition of Modigliani's work in the United States in more than forty years groups sixty paintings, sculptures and works on paper by the artist, as well as works by Brancusi, Archipenko, Léger, Picasso and Soutine [...]
The adventures of Hamza
From june 28 to october 19 2003
Commissioned by Emperor Akbar in the XVIth century, the Hamzanama manuscript that tells the mythic story of Hamza, includes 1400 paintings on cotton. Among the 200 remaining today, 68 that evoke scenes of magic and heroism, emblematic [...]
Bretagne, land of painters
From june 28 to november 2 2003
Brittany was at the beginning of the XVIII century and well before the arrival of Gauguin at Pont-Aven, a place of inspiration for painters, poets, writers...who created the image of a romantic and picturesque region, and opend the doors [...]
From june 28 to september 29 2003
After Lille, this homage to Carolus-Dura is the opportunity to discover an artist unjustly considered academic and often reduced to a mundane portrait painter. Eighty works -portraits, landscapes, interior scenes -reveal on the contrary [...]
Contrasts: Retrospective of the Menton's Biennals (1951-1980)
From june 28 to october 6 2003
The 13 Biannual Event of Menton, is a major event in France's modern art landscape, as well as an important motor of creation in France. Following those of Venice, the Biennales de Menton group together new talents around major figures, [...]
Monique *Frydman, works on paper
From june 28 to november 3 2003
Drawing her inspiration from Lascaux like a return to the source of art, Monique Frydman accompanies her work, as of 1979, with graphic productions, that will tend towards abstraction and color, with the color red dominating. This [...]
Goodbye Mr Gauguin
From june 28 to september 29 2003
Among the fifty works by painters from the Pont-Aven group exhibited here, paintings by Paul Gauguin as well as some twenty works by artists such as Paul Sérusier, Charles Filiger, Maxime Maufra ou Roderic O'Connor.
Kirchner : expressionism and the city
From june 28 to september 21 2003
This major exhibit of Kirchner's work concentrates very particularly on the german artist's most creative and innovating years, from 1905 o 1918. Through 100 paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings, a return towards his energetic [...]
Orient for inhabitants of a Mediterranean country
From june 28 to october 12 2003
Orientalism through the eye of painters from Provence, Italy and Spain from the XIXth and XXth centuries.
Bernard Rancillac
From june 28 to september 29 2003
Painter Bernard Rancillac, a true witness of his time, constructs his work based on images borrowed from modern society, thus integrating the Pop Art heritage and narrative figuration.
Sarian : on the country of the flying sun
From june 28 to october 5 2003
Martiros Sarian, an Armenian artist who was a contemporary of Picasso, ws greatly influenced by Western cutlure but his art is close to the one of the fauvist and expressionist in the way he treats color. The exhibit concentrates for the first [...]
Sarkis : the landing, adagio
From june 28 to october 5 2003
The exhibit which is being held in parallel to that of Sarian introduces Sarkis, another artist of Armenian origin on a musical note. The image of a sculpture dancing to the 15th Quatuor by Dimitri Chostakovitch is projected on a screen. [...]
Patrick Saytour
From june 28 to october 5 2003
Patrick Saytour turns the most ordinary objects away from their original purpose with the help of folded pper, cut-outs, assemblies, and multiple techniques inherited from his paricipation in teh "Support/surface" group in the 70s. [...]
A century of sea bathing in the Seine estuary
From june 28 to october 6 2003
Objects, paintings, posters, drawings, prints illustrate the birth of seaside resorts such as Deauville, Trouville, Le Havre, Honfleur, Villerville and Sainte-Adresse.
A picture in the setting. Paintings 1970-2000
From june 28 to october 12 2003
Abstract art in all shapes and forms. A panel of works done from the 1970s to today represented by important artists such as Pierre Soulages, Gerhard Richter, Bernard Frize, Dan Flavin, Bertrand Lavier, Albert Œhlen, Katarina [...]
Public treasures
From june 28 to october 12 2003
From the 1960s to today, some 200 pieces from the FRAC's collections illustrate the thoughts of contemporary artists on the place of the object in our society of mass consumption.
New Barbarians: Primitive Source of the Russian Avant-Garde
From june 28 to september 21 2003
Presentation of works by some artists of the Russian Avant-Garde: Kandinsky, Malevich, Goncharova, Filonov and delimitaion of their primitive context. This movement takes tradition into account by demonstrating that the avant-garde [...]
Painting in 3 dimensions
From june 28 to october 5 2003
The canvas is no longer a flat surface, it lives throughout the slits (Fontana), the added pieces of materials and other changes of the surface to which the artists submit it. The canvas can be worked on like someone works on color. [...]
Around the Lady of Vix : Celtes, Greeks, Etruscans
From june 28 to october 14 2003
The exceptional discovery in 1953 of the tomb of the Dame de Vix revealed jewelry and a set of glasses demonstrate the exchanges between Celtics, Greeks ad Etruscans. For the first time, objects from the greatest museums make a parallel [...]
The time of Museum (1975-1995)
From june 28 to september 29 2003
The Bernardines cloister hosts twonew museums dedicated to the culture of the Bourgogne region, created through the passion and generosity of collectors such as Bob Putigny, who kept the Perrin de Puycousin collection. Sacred art and souvenirs [...]
Ready-made color
From june 27 to october 4 2003
The import of external elements on the canvas,which is the case of industrial materials, has created a new waye of thinking of color. This foreign, unusual color modifies the data of the aesthetic experience itself and implies numerous [...]
Hyperrealisms USA, 1965-75
From june 27 to october 5 2003
Hyperrealism in the plural form, because the 70 works done by the main artists of the movement-- Malcolm Morley, Richard Estes, Chuck Close, Richard McLean... - demonstrate the complexity and the paradoxes of this current of the 70s, [...]
Another laces, volumes and sculptures
From june 27 to november 2 2003
Some thirty contemporary creators give free rein to their imagination, and stage lace in three-dimensional creations.
Jean-Michel Basquiat - Paintings
From june 27 to october 23 2003
Jean-Michel Basquiat asmarked art of the end of the XXth century. After his drawings in 1997, the Maillol museum exhibits his paintings to the unique pictural language. With Basquiat graffitti finds its most noble role in painting. [...]
Odd and incongruous drawings
From june 27 to october 6 2003
The Drawing Cabinet pays homage toHenri Baderou's taste, a ture hunter of curiosities and pieces full of humor and fantasy. These drawings, often curious, sometimes impossible to classify, make the musuem a place full of surprises.
Between Liberty, Republic and France, the Marianne' representations from 1792 to today
From june 27 to october 6 2003
Marianne made her first appearance in 1792. A figure of the Revolution and then of the Republic, the monumental sculptures, busts, and objects of her here give a measure of her popularity and her banalization.
Spirits of places
From june 27 to october 12 2003
Contemporary creation is no longer conceived only in the workshop, but in osmosis with the exhibit space as well.This is the principle taht Spirits of places puts forward, by confronting 30 years of contemporary creation with a highly [...]
From expressionism to the Bauhaus: highlights from the Museum of Modern Art
From june 27 to september 15 2003
The most famous names in Germany's artistic world in the XXth cnetury are presnted and help the public discover a prestigious panel of the museum's collections, unveiling paintings nd drawings by Georg Grosz, Ludwig Kirchner, Paul [...]
Christiane Geoffroy, hommage to Grandville
From june 27 to september 29 2003
Christiane Geoffroy present three installations on th themes of animality and humanity in reference to the work of J.J. Grandville, The Metamorphosis of the day, at the moment of the bicentennial of the author's birth.
Gogh modern : Vincent Van Gogh and contemporary art
From june 27 to october 12 2003
To celebrate the 150 years of the artist's birth, this exhibit is dedicated to the influence Van Gogh had on post-war artistic production.
Frantisek Kupka
From june 27 to october 12 2003
Nearly one hundred opaintings, pastels, drawings and prints go through the career of this Czech painter and drawer. A Fauve in the beginning, he wnet on to a Cubist phase before turning as of 1910 towards pure and non-figurative painting. [...]
Li Zhensheng, a chinese photograph in the Cultural Revolution
From june 27 to september 21 2003
Li Zhensheng worked during 20 years for the Heilongjiang Daily, a newspaper of the communist party of North Eastern China. 140 original photographs taken between 1964 and 1980 are witnesses of this terrible period in China's history [...]
Paris-Marseille, from the Canebiere to Montparnasse
From june 27 to october 12 2003
Renoir, Soutine Picasso, Picabia, Derain, Dufy, Daumier, Utrillo all migrated towards the South to capture that very special light. 120 paintings and drawings, 30 photographs evoke the work and life of these artists under the Mediterranean [...]
From june 27 to october 5 2003
To reinvent the realtion between contemporary art and nature, by exploiting the new techniques -plans, topographic statement -or by using organic materials -stones, branches...-. Works by Paul-Armand Gette, Gursky, Haacke, Kirkeby, [...]
Schneider, a glassworks on 20th century
From june 27 to september 29 2003
A prestigious manufacturer of the 20s, the Schneider glass factory produced a great number of works of art during the Art Deco period. 160 pieces -cups, vases and chandeliers -demonstrate the virtuosity of this art crafstmen of the beginning [...]
Michel Verjux
From june 27 to october 22 2003
Michel Verjus has chosen since 1983 to express himself through light, by projecting beams of white light on the walls, for he feels that to show light is above all to enlighten art.
Gao Bo Tibet, 1995-2003
From june 27 to september 6 2003
Gao Bao pick up the principle of the Ying and the Yang and take their photogrpahs on white and black backgrounds.He thus does the portrait of twelve people on death row, inviting us to think about the lot of the Tibetain people and their [...]
Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus : psycho-design / physio design
From june 26 to october 5 2003
Half way between sculptures and functional objects, Berdaguer and Péjus' work assembled for this exhibit are linked to habitat. The projects, models and prototypes are set up on a huge pedestal that recreates the house's plan.
Ernest Pignon-Ernest, retrospective
From june 26 to august 31 2003
Artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest is committed to the fight against apartheid and exclusion. He covered the walls of cities with large serigraph works.The artothèque presents a series of photographs that show these interventions against [...]
Michal Singer, The red cat's temple
From june 26 to september 13 2003
Skies in Van Gogh's style, fauvist colors, a bright sun, such is the brief resume of SInger's paintings.But one must add a philosophic dimension, as the artist draws his inspiration from mythical shamanism.
Come and eat! Japanese cooking illustrated by Michiko Shimamoto
From june 26 to july 31 2003
An exhibit oriented on food to (re)discover Japan. The appetizing pastel illustrations by Michiko Shimamoto reflect the importance given to the presentatiton of dishes in Japanese cuisine and are accopanied by recipes.
Pier Paolo *Calzolari
From june 26 to november 16 2003
Pier Paolo Calzolari experiments objects with the help of different materials that induce the ephemeral, fragility and time that passes. These installations are accompanied by living animals or sound elements in a poetic staging.
Peter Downsbrough : Position
From june 26 to september 8 2003
Photographs, sculptures, models, drawings, books, films...All the supports are brought together to think about language an dthe structuration of space. A wide selection of works from 1968 to 2003 present the importance and diversity [...]
Gauguin there and here
From june 26 to december 31 2003
If you were not able to see it in Quimper, it is coming through Paris... A game-exhibit aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 12 to have them discover, through the bias of games and humor, Paul Gauguin's art, his works and his techniques.
Hendrick Goltzius, (1558-1617), Prints, drawings and paintings
From june 26 to september 7 2003
This first large retrospective dedicated to the Dutch mannerist artist offers 13 paintings on the theme of mythology and religion, 69 portraits, 80 prints and studies on parchment.
The Lights of the French mannerism : Antonio Fantuzzi and Léon Davent (1540-1550)
From june 26 to september 28 2003
The Swiss public collections- of which Geneva has 70 pieces -exhibit the mannerist prints by two of the leading artists of the school of Fontainebleau.
Matisse, a feast in Cimmeria
From june 26 to september 4 2003
To illustrate a poetic text by Georges Duthuit, Une fête en Cimmérie , Matisse painted a whole series of portraits of eskimos in 1949. The exhibit allows us to rediscover these amazing works, proof of the artist's thirst for a new type [...]
The Italian still life through the 17th and 18 th The Italian still life through the 17th and 18th c.
From june 26 to october 12 2003
Nearly 230 works by masters, such as Caravaggio, Arcimboldo, Baschenis, Porpora or even Recco, allow us to discover a genre that has been ignored by art historians: Italian still lives.
Eric Poitevin, photographies
From june 26 to september 21 2003
Though old, these series have never been exposed such as the one on the brass band, others more known such as the one of landscapes and still lives, as well as more recent ones, make up this retospective of photographer Eric Poitevin.
Bridget Riley
From june 26 to september 28 2003
Bridget Riley is one of the most respeced artists in England and beyond its borders. Her work is translated by constant innovation, from black and white to color.
Alger, urban landscape and architectures
From june 25 to september 14 2003
300 documents trace the transformations of the Algerian capital, from the end of the Ottoman time to our day. We see the major architects who modeled the city, among them Auguste Perret, Le Corbusier or Roland Simounet.
Leonor *Fini - Theatre
From june 25 to september 20 2003
Artist-painter Léonor Fini created theater sotumes and stage sets for yeras, for contemporary authors or the big clasics, such as Pirandello. Sh eis back at her easel now, and leaves behind all the worry of an artistic vision confronted [...]
A constructive provocation: contemporary architecture in Vorarlberg
From june 25 to september 14 2003
Since the separation of the architects from the Baukünstler group, who left the regional order of architects in the 1980s, the region of Vorarlberg in Austria, is the framework of the architecture of reserch, supported by sustained [...]
Lazhar Mansouri's studio
From june 25 to september 13 2003
Lazhar Mansouri tells us about Algeria in the seocnd half of the XXt century through portraits of his contemporaries which he had pose witout anyartifacts, thus creating a compelte portrait of Algerian society, which reminds us of the works [...]
Dation Brancusi
From june 25 to september 15 2003
Following the Brancusi donation recieved in 2001, the Pomidou Center presents a selection of fifty-eight drawings never seen before and an important part of documets from the archives, from the ninety seven drawings and the ten thousand [...]
Jim Dine
From june 25 to september 14 2003
The camera and the image it catches is only a means and not an end it itself for Jim Dine. He transforms these images by impressions with gushes of ink and prints helioprints from negatives.
Sarah Moon
From june 25 to september 14 2003
First a fashion and advertising photographer, Sarah Moon then headed with success towards art photography. The Maison Européenne of photography hosts the snapshots on two of her favorite themes: trees and women.
Sandrine de Nicolay
From june 25 to september 14 2003
As part of the Czech season in France, Sandrine de Nicolay's photographs show the interiors and exteriors of the surprising Czech cubist architecture between 1911 and 1923.
A private passion: 19th century paintings and drawings from the Grenville L.Winthrop collection, Harvard University
From june 25 to september 14 2003
Second European stop for the XIXth century collections of the University of Harvard museums... About 200 drawings, paintings and sculptures from 1800 to 1920, signed by Blake, Burne-Jones, Degas, Géricault, Homer, Ingres, Manet, Monet, [...]
So, China?
From june 25 to october 13 2003
As an aforetaste of the year of China in France, the Centre Pompidou offers an exhibit on the new talents in China's contemporary art scene.
Eduardo Arroyo
From june 25 to october 15 2003
For the first edtion of Dunkerque the European, the Spanish artist who belongs to the narrative figuration, resents his original works, committed and full of humor and sometimes confronted to the museum's classical works.
AGardener's Labyrinth: Portraits of People, Plants and Places by Tessa Traeger and Patrick Kinmonth
From june 25 to october 19 2003
On a mission entrusted by the National Portrait Gallery, Tessa Traeger and Patrick Kinmonth have photographed some 50 landscape sites in Great-Britain. Their snapshots are thus distributed in various sections, on the theme of plants [...]
Ceramics - Culture - Innovation 1851-2000
From june 24 to september 22 2003
From the collections of the major European musuems of ceramics -France, Italy, Great-Britain, Portugal, Germany, Hungary -240 pieces offer a large panorama of 150 years of technical and esthetic evolution in ceramics.
Agathon Léonard: the "Art nouveau" gesture
From june 24 to october 26 2003
Nearly one hundred pieces in reduced format show us all the elegance and delicacy Agathon Léonard put into his work in his small sculptures, which created a senasation at the Universal Exposition in 1900, with the Dance with the scarf.
Willem van Tetrode, a Dutch sculptor in Italy
From june 24 to september 7 2003
Nearly forty statues in bronze and some twenty prints and drawings, from private and public international collections, illustrate the influence of Willem Van Tetrode (v. 1525-1581) on sculpture.
Luc Tuymans: Curtains
From june 23 to november 1 2003
Before his retrospective at the Tate Modern in 2004, Luc Tuymans, the Belgian artist-painter, has done for the FRAC Auvergne 10 wall-paintings, inspired from newspaper themes. Following the exhibit these paintings will be destroyed. [...]
Summer drawings 2003
From june 21 to august 31 2003
A selection of drawings, drawn from the Province of Utrecht collection and from the Centraal Museum collection.
Alighiero e Boetti, world orders and disorders (works 1967-1990)
From june 21 to september 27 2003
An exhibit on the work done dedicated to conflicts all over teh world and oriented on the restoratoinof a founding work of art, Occupied territories.
Raoul Dufy - Du motif à la couleur
From june 21 to september 1 2003
The second part of this traveling exhibit dedicated to Dufy. Fifty paintings, seventy drawings, watercolors, some thirty pieces of ceramic, textiles, dresses and prints on wood, groupe dtogether by themes -on the sea, fashion, animals...-show [...]
That's summer
From june 21 to september 22 2003
This Summer exhibit brings together various contemporary artists, from different horizons, from sculpture to painting, including print and photography. The idea was conceived by Jean-Jacques Lesgourges, whose contemporary art collection [...]
Etruscan at sea. Wreck from Antibes to Marseille
From june 21 to october 31 2003
The discovery of ships and their shipments prove the commercial exchanges between the mediterranean populations, the main objects of the transactions being wine and ceramics.
Gaston *Lachaise (1886-1935), retrospective
From june 21 to september 7 2003
Gaston Lachaise left his mark on art at the beginning of the XXth century with the monumental figures dedicated to the feminine figure he is known for. Over 780 sculptures, drawings and photographs unveil an original work, placing [...]
Matisse in Grenoble's museum
From june 21 to september 21 2003
The exhibit is in two parts: the exceptional loan of 8 paintings from the museum of the Orangerie from the 20s, as well as two other ones by her friend and rival Picasso, and the unusual presentation of the Niçois painter's complete [...]
Millet to Matisse, 19th and 20th century French paintings
From june 21 to september 14 2003
Through some sixty paintings, the exhibit traces a century of French painting from 1830 to 1930. A period during which production and artistic innovation were on the front line thanks to genius artists such as Paul Cézanne, Claude [...]
Panamarenko : multiples 1966-2003
From june 21 to august 31 2003
An exhibit dedicated to all of Panamarenko's work. Some one hundred pieces of art, lithographs and prints on the problems our society goes through trace the artist's creative itinerary.
The *Pierre Pauli collection of Lausanne
From june 21 to november 16 2003
The prestigious collection from the Mary Toms-Pierre Pauli Foundation exhibits thenew talents discoverd and encouraged by Piere Pauli in the 60s, whose ambition is was to give birth to tapestry, with Lausanne as a dynamic center.
A museum is born! Hommage to the first donors
From june 21 to november 9 2003
In 1854 the Lorin family bequeathed an ensemble of works of art that allowed the Brou museum to be founded. Nearly 150 works from between the XVIth and XIXth centuries are exhibited. Among them, paintings by great artists such as Ruysdaël, [...]
Henri Rivière - Britany in colours
From june 21 to september 21 2003
A panorama of Henri Rivière's engraved work, marking the renewal of colored engravings -on engraved wood -at the end of the XIXth century. The climax wil be the art dedicated to Brittany and its light that fascinates the artist.
Alechinsky : Satie in looking-glass and other pieces at 4 hands
From june 20 to 29 2003
A new series of 44 ink paintings done in 2002 refering to an imaginary dialogue with the musician. Concerned with words and calligraphy, Alechinsky interpets in his own way Satie's partitions through a game of writing and drawings.
The children of the Great War
From june 20 to october 26 2003
How did children live their childhood during WW I? This is the question which this exhibit tries to answer through the Historail collection.
Gaude Sucurrere Vitae
From june 20 to september 28 2003
An eclectic Belgian artist, from choreography to street art, not to mention visual arts, Jan Fabre presents 6 films done between 1988 and 2002, and some one hundred drawings, a sort of storyboard of his videos, as well as sculptures [...]
Tribute to Camille Claudel
From june 20 to september 15 2003
The artist who is considered as the last Romantic sculptor is reborn through the works of Boucher her master, and Rodin her lover, both of which are felt in some of her sculptures.Ten of Camille Claudel's major works are gathered together [...]
Napoleon and modest art
From june 20 2003 to january 4 2004
"Napoleonamia" from the 50s and 60s in a surprising construction byBernard Belluc,a collector of thousands of objects glorifying the emperor.
Wallpapers of pop years
From june 20 2003 to june 1 2004
The museum is exhibiting an ensemble of recently purchased painted paper from the 1970s. Worth rediscovering, for its colors and kitsch designs.
Pop up in Sète
From june 20 2003 to january 4 2004
The most complete exhibit done to date on the so-called "system" or "transformation books reveals through artist Quim Corominas' collection all the magic nd modernity of this field of creation.
Russes ? Artistes de Saint-Pétersbourg à Paris au début du XXe siècle
From june 20 to september 21 2003
40 works from private collections and of which most have never been seen before, reveal the close relations built between Paris and Russian artists at the beginning of the XXth cnetury. Among those artists there are Larionov, Gontcharova, [...]
Maurizio Savini : Headrooms
From june 19 to july 26 2003
An exhibit that smells of...chewing-gum! The artist used this matter to begin his characters, his "talking heads". Chewing-gum, a symbol of popular culture is thus lifted to the level of a work of art.
Éric Poitevin, photographies
From june 19 to october 13 2003
In parallel to the exhibit Panorama 4 - Paysages persistants, at the Studio national in Fresnoy until 6 July, the cabinet of graphic art of he museum of Beaux-Arts in Tourcoing presnets the work of Eric Poitevin. Photographs that reveal [...]
Ella Maillart : on the Oriental roads
From june 19 to october 19 2003
Ella Maillart, a Swiss Romande artist, represents the new generation of women who in the 1930s won their independence by working as a photographer and journalist. Her snapshots show one of her many trips and take on an ethnologic character [...]
Françoise Sullivan
From june 19 to october 5 2003
This first Françoise Sullivan retrospective since 1981 groups more than a hundred pieces, as well as photographic and videographic documentation, tracing five decades of painting, sculpture, collages, mixed media, choreography, performance [...]
Algerian to be created
From june 19 to august 17 2003
Artists in the making, emerging or reknown are grouped together to demonstrate the vitality of contemporary Algerian creation. There are works by Karim Abdesselam, Nada Boubekri, Raouf Brahmia, Amine Chayani, Meriem Djahnit, Karim [...]
Body double
From june 19 to october 12 2003
The exhibit groups together the works of 20 major Canadian and foreign artists around the theme of clothing. In our societies, clothing takes on different aspects to become a mark of identity. Each artist thus invites us to discover [...]
USDesign 1975-2000
From june 19 to september 28 2003
A return towards American design of the last quarter of the XXth century and its development in new fields such as architecture, indsutry and design. The exhibit underlines the intelligence of American designers who knew how to reconcile [...]
Identity tales
From june 18 to august 25 2003
The collection groups together some one hundred artists, over 600 pieces -contemporary photographs and videos -on the theme of identity.Studio photographs, faces stolen or personal fictions reflect the current research on the representation [...]
Images of books - Illustrations of Jacky Gleich, Regina Kehn and Ole Könnecke
From june 18 to august 24 2003
Hamburg, the capital of illustration, drawing and books, pays an homage to the illusrators who made it famous.For the exhibit Scenes of childhood, the Museum fur Kunst und Bewerge presents a selection of some one hundred works by three [...]
The artist's clothes
From june 18 to july 30 2003
Four artists -Agathe Bouton, Devorah Boxer, Karin Lewin, Didier Hagège - reunited around one same theme: clothing. Each one of them gives it an original aspect through a specific technique, from lithographies to collage.
Martha Le Parc, artist or craftwoman
From june 18 to september 15 2003
Martha Le Parc works with ribbos in many ways, playing with colors on faiy tale like dresses. In 1986 she started a new approach that recycles her favorite material in mural tapestries, paintings, and other pieces of textile art.
Remembrances of shores
From june 18 to september 15 2003
Everyone who has been to Berck-plage has brought back among the souvenirs a small mussel decorated with little characters, or else a small fisherman's boat. Over 300 souvenir-objects are exhibited at the Palais de Chaillot, and trace [...]
The Virgin and the bull, the Capron, ceramists
From june 18 to october 6 2003
One of the greatest ceramists of our time, Robert Capron, brough an old disused pottery factory back to life after it was closed from 1952 to 1982. He thenlaunched himself in a large, industrial adventure.His ceramics, in a Mediteranean [...]
Paul Signac, retrospective
From june 18 to november 23 2003
Some one hundred works -oils on canvas, painted studies, drawings and watercolors -trace the artist's itinerary. First an impressionist, he was with his friend Seurat a major actor of the neo-impressionist movement. With a lovely ensemble [...]
A place to dream
From june 17 to july 12 2003
A sound exhibit in which the spectator rests his spirit in a musical and poetic environment, peopled with objects brought and left here by visitors.
(S)cénotaphes, photographs of Sandrine Jousseaume
From june 17 to september 21 2003
Sandrine Jousseaume gives us her thoughts on the photographic relation between life and death. Stuffed animals, animal foetuses, funerary statues, funeral masks mixed with live faces...show the ambiguity of photography in face of the representations [...]
Illuminating the Renaissance: The triumph of Flemish manuscript painting in Europe
From june 17 to september 7 2003
Flemish illumination is presented through 130 manuscripts, drawings and paintings, produced between 1467 and 1561, and drawn from about 50 international collections. Because of their fragile nature, most of the manuscripts are rarely [...]
The perfect game: America looks at baseball
From june 17 2003 to january 25 2004
Coinciding with the baseball season, the exhibition includes trade figures, weathervanes, contemporary depictions of baseball games, signs, arcade art toys, presentation bats, andirons, textiles, as well as examples of ephemera, such [...]
Heads or tails, antique coins in Orléans public collections
From june 17 to september 28 2003
Two complimentary numismastic collections, welsh coins as well as greek, roman and byzantine coins and some copies of young forgers. The visitor may also admire an ensemble of Greek ceramics and Chypriot jewels.
A century of painting in the Faouët, 1845-1945
From june 15 to october 5 2003
Le Faouët became one of the main artistic centers in Cornwall during the first half of the XIXth century, welcoming in particular Barnoin, Beaufrère, Creston, Guérin...
From Rauschenberg to Murakami : 1964-2003
From june 15 to november 2 2003
A retrospective on the activities of the Venice Biennale since 1964, its successes and its exclusions, and a summary of the advances in terms of visual research in the different artistic fields represented during the biennale.
André Derain, landscapes of South France
From june 15 to october 6 2003
Derain declared that he could only find the "sensations of the panter" in the South of France. The result from all of his stays there the result is a visual itinerary that takes its essence in the landscapes, and has us go through [...]
Sédières Festival
From june 15 to september 15 2003
For the 30th anniverary of the Cédières festival, works by Paul Belmondo, Vazarely, Chagall, Debré, César, Buffet...are exhibited.
Thomas Gainsborough, 1727-1788
From june 15 to september 14 2003
Gainsborough's varied achievements in portraits, landscapes and drawings reveal him, through 90 works as a very talented artist. Next to famous full-length portraits, Boston will display pieces of furniture, music instruments and costumes [...]
Mallarmé and the materials, around the fashion at 1874
From june 15 to september 15 2003
Mallarmé directed a fashion magazine of which 8 issues were printed. His artist friends and writers took part in this particualr magazine. Some one hundred pieces, among them documents, lithographs, trace the adventure of this magazine. [...]
Jim Shaw - O
From june 15 to september 14 2003
You don't know O-ist rligion? And yet it was born inthe Lake Finger region in the XVIIIth century, and Le Magasin presents the atistic declarations -amateur paintings,abstract paintings by O. Goodman, initiation instruments...-, all finally [...]
Sights Once Seen : Daguerreotyping Fremont's last expedition through the Rockies
From june 15 to august 10 2003
Solomon Nunes Carvalho followed John Charles Frémont when the latter was ent to the American West to draw up an idea of the site in 1853. The 300 daguerréotypes present in the exhibit are the result of this expedition.
The Work at work : the american artists, 1840-1940
From june 15 to august 17 2003
From the idealistic vision of work in natural surroundings -the young peasant woman in a field or a cowboy riding in the American West -, to the anguish caused by modern society, some seventy works illustrate the multiple aspects of American [...]
Ghislaine Loyré de Hauteclocque, painter: a contemporary artist vision on the Jacques Cœur road
From june 15 to september 15 2003
Ghislaine Loyré de Hauteclocque, a painter and anthropologist, gets her inspiration from her travels. The paintings exhibited are part of a project for the Route Jacques Coeur, but are also inspired from animal paintings by Alexander-François [...]
Painter women in Dauphiné in the XIXth and XXth centuries
From june 14 to october 31 2003
The paintings by the women of the Dauphiné region have been unjustly forgotten. But this exhibit help sus rediscover them. The still lives, some portraits or landscapes are the main subjects presented. In their way they marked local [...]
Alger School
From june 14 to august 31 2003
The one hundred paintings selected bring back to life the works by the artists of the school of Algers, a movement that developped during the first half of the XXth century and which distinguished itself from Orientalism.
Colors are music of eyes. Retrospective Roland Bierge 1922-1991
From june 14 to september 29 2003
By quoting an expression used by Delacroix in his "Journal" (Colors are the music for the eyes), the title of the exhibit gives us an idea on Roland Bierge's colorful painting. Nearly 60 works give us anidea of the prolific creation [...]
From art to shelf paper: prints in the Golden Age
From june 14 to september 14 2003
While prints were a usual object in the XVIIth century, the exhibit puts forward the question of the status of these prints considered today as works of art. They represent important persons, political events, biblical scenes, and ask the question [...]
Alpha-Omega, Pierre-Marie Lejeune
From june 14 to september 21 2003
The work of Pierre Marie Lejeune gives preference to steel and glss which he shatters and flattens out. A process of plastic transplant or of recycling...
George-Daniel de *Monfreid, Gauguin's confident. First retrospective
From june 14 to september 20 2003
While he is mainly known for having been Gauguin's confidant and the protector of various artists who have since received recognition, George-Daniel de Monfreid also painted. The exhibit presents some sixty paintings close to neo-impressionism.
Joshua *Mosley - Animate me Nos. 1-3
From june 14 to august 17 2003
Two of the artist's videos, Beirut and Commute, are presetned for this themed exhibit. The works of Joshua Mosley observe a poetic and dreamlike world, inspired from his own experience.
From june 14 to november 10 2003
Sarkis confronts his sculptures to an ancient and prestigious architectural environment. His twelve Kriegsschatz -war treasures - are set on stage, orchestrated by Stravinsky's Sacre du Printemps that comes out form the sculptures' [...]
Blaek : Danishes Comics
From june 13 to july 20 2003
Comic srips have a growing success on the international scale.The major figures in Danish comic strips from the 70s to our day re exhibited here. An opportunity to discover the unknown works of the 9th form of art.
Design designS. A day in the objects' life
From june 13 to july 19 2003
The museum presents the creations of some one hundred designers graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Strasbourg.Furniture, accessories, clothes, jewelry, crockery, vases, cars, ...plunge the visitor into new daily [...]
Inga Sempé
From june 13 to september 14 2003
Inga Sempé sets up his most recent creations, among which the Brosse furniture, pleated lampshades, the flat lamp or the stuffed metal chair.
Eilfried Huth and Günther Domenig
From june 13 to september 21 2003
Drawings, models and installations by two Austrian architects from the radical movement are exhibited for the first time, with, among others, the presentation of Trigon's project born from the inflatable architecture design or even [...]
Tribute to musée Delacroix's friends - In the Master intimity
From june 13 to september 15 2003
In 1929, the Society of Delacroix's friends had saved th epainter's workshop from being demolished and forgotten by turning it into a museum. It is in this same museum that a hommage is made to them, through the presentation of some [...]
Circus architecture : from permanent to mayfly
From june 12 to september 29 2003
A fun filled itinerary traces the evolution of th aesthetic choices in matters of circus architecture.While the XIXth centry was the golden era for stable circuses (in wood or stone), the future generations gave preference to the freedom [...]
Joel Ducorroy, Nathalie Grenier, Vladimir Skoda
From june 12 to 21 2003
Three ways of approaching contemporary prints. Vladimir Skoda explores his favortie shape, the sphere, refering to the cosmos in its infinite nature, as for Nathalie Grenier, she has forms float on worked backgrounds, while Joël Ducorroy [...]
Kota, reliquary figures
From june 12 to july 26 2003
Kota statuettes show the importance of the cult of the elders in Black Africa. The artists who sculpt this simple effigy in wood meet the challenge og giving a face to the soul, to link the world of the living with that of the dead.
Archilab, immediate anticipations
From june 12 to september 15 2003
The FRAC Centre has enriched itself with numerous projects by young teams of international architects, of which some forty are presented: among them, Hitoshi Abe's spiral house or the soft water Pavilion of Oosterhuis.
Cathy Banneville, the birch doesn't regret when it loses his leaf
From june 12 to august 31 2003
The poetic titles of Cathy Banneville's works resemble the paintings in which fluid and evanescent colors mix with vegetable applications. The fifty paintings exhibited reveal the new orientations of the artist's artistic productions [...]
Conversations with traditions : Nilima Sheikh / Shahzia Sikander
From june 12 to september 8 2003
Shahzia Sikander and Nilima Sheikh are both of South Asian origin, but of different generations - Sikander, in her 30s and Sheikh in her 50s. The two artists articulate differing relationships with both the pre-modern court painting [...]
The life in the books. Illustrated editions on XIV and XV centuries in the Giorgio Cini's fondation
From june 12 to september 30 2003
Very rare pieces among which some incunabula and unique examples are taken from the collections of the Giorgio Cini collections. The books are grouped together according to themes: education, religion, love and time are themes that [...]
Whistler and Cassatt: americans abroad
From june 11 to october 12 2003
American painters Whistler and Cassatt found new sources of inspiration in Europe where they both lived. Venice and Paris were very present in Whistler's work, while Mary Cassatt prefered more intimate portraits.
Pierre Astier : You see what I mean
From june 10 to 29 2003
Pierre Astier defines his work as archaïc figuration. With the help of basic tools, he tries to leave the print of his gestures on the supports. The demonstration is done in his paintings, sculptures and mural installations of works [...]
Madeleine Berkhemer, Afraid
From june 10 to july 27 2003
Born in 1973 in the Netherlands, Madeleine Berkhemer has not stopped surprising, and even shocking. The use of nylon stockings or panty hose gives her work a fetichist aspect which must not make us forget the feminist side of her work.
Factories and men
From june 10 2003 to february 29 2004
A look at the industrial patrimony in the Gironde region, where industry is at the source of a whole architectural, cultural and social environment. Photographs, documents from the archives and machines refer to the industrial sites [...]
Isaac Julien
From june 10 to july 19 2003
The first personal exhibit in France for this Amercian artist and movie director who present shis lat film "Baltimore". Inspired by a current from the 70s, the Blaxploitation, Baltimore is a meditation on museums where transgressive [...]
From june 9 to september 7 2003
Titian one of the great geniuses of the Renaissance was always very appreciated by the Spanish royalty. This fact explains the rich collection of the Prado Museum which exhibits 65 of the painter's works from his beginnings to his last [...]
Constable to Delacroix : British art and the French romantics 1815-1840
From june 8 to september 7 2003
Constable, Géricault, Turner, Ingres, Bonington and Delacroix arepart of this exhibit which explores the artistic exchanges between France and Great Britain during the end of the Romantic period. The works are from international private [...]
Pierre Ardouvin : Hell (open to public)
From june 8 to september 14 2003
Visual artist Pierre Ardouvin offers in his new installation a new approach of the exhibit space, thanks to the use of scaffoldings that allow an itinerary three meters above the ground.
Luc Deleu
From june 8 to september 15 2003
Luc Deleu, an architect, makes sculptures with daily objects, sculptures that are meant to be "architectonic". Stacking of street lamps, a crane set down flat, containers, to denounce the over-industrialization of our society.
Erro, fatals women
From june 8 to september 14 2003
A major figure of narrative figuration, Erro exhibits his photo instalations and paintings with the unique subject of the feminine figure. It is sometimes angry, sometimes sensuous, and even other times a femmme fatale.
Jacques Monory : Nocturnal
From june 8 to september 7 2003
Jacques Monory, an important figure in the narative figuration current, presents 9 recent paintings or done especially for the exhibit, grouped together on a commun theme, that of the night and the fears it brings.
Francis Buyse - Sculptures
From june 7 to july 6 2003
Belgian artist Francis Buyse, born in Mouscron in 1937, sees his sculptures as a poem dedicated to life. Their shapes, their varied materials -stone, steel, marble, wood, ceramics -, are as many dream like representations of the world [...]
Grégoire *Michonze
From june 7 to august 31 2003
A painter from the Paris School, a friend of Henry Miller's and Soutine's, Grégoire Michonze left an important work.Through thenumerouspaintings -drawings and sculptures -the exhibit unveils a universe which is both original, out of time, [...]
14th national price Open Photography
From june 7 to september 7 2003
The 14th prize, open to all forms of contemporary photography, groups together a jury of professionals to judge some 128 prints, sent by professionals of Belgian nationality or residing in Belgium. Fourteen have been chosen and are exhibited [...]
Gesture's apotheosis - Sketches painted in France in the century of Boucher and Fragonard
From june 7 to september 14 2003
Sketches are a free way of expression for artists, as well as a means of training. Over 100 sketches by Fragonard,Boucher, David, Hallé, Doyen, among others, give the role of sketches all the width of their creative process.
Sea bathing, time for leisure
From june 7 to september 15 2003
Through hotographs, posters, souvenirs, swimsuits and even beach furniture, the visitor plunges back into the atmosphere of the seaside resorts from the end of the XIXth century to the 1950s.
Hello Mister Lartigue
From june 7 to september 7 2003
Jacques-Henri Lartigue's photographs are not only witnesses from a whole century,but also an ode to the organization, and the perfect harmony of shapes and light. In a permanent search for aesthetics, Lartigue knew how to capture the sprit [...]
Yves Brayer (1907-1990)
From june 7 to september 1 2003
Rewarded the first Grand Prix of Rome in 1930, Yves Brayer never stopped painting in France, Italy and Spain. The author of various grand decors such as the ceiling of the French pavilion for the Universal Exhibit in 1939, he also [...]
Somewhere better than this place : alternative social experience in the spaces of contemporary art
From june 7 to november 9 2003
The museum's inaugural exhibit sets up some fifty works -installations, photographs, videos, performance and sound art -commissioned to 39 international contemporary artists, among which Vanessa Beecroft, Sam Taylor-Wood, Janet Cardiff, [...]
Philippe Starck
From june 7 to september 30 2003
Following Paris, this magician of forms and metamorphosis makes a stopover in The Netherlands. The famous creator pulls away from the traditional ways and offers the public an exhibit-show in a large theater barnum where the objects [...]
The golden age of Majolica. Italian XV and XVI centuries ceramics XV and XVI in Ermtage's collections
From june 7 to october 26 2003
125 pieces produced in the most important centers such as Urbino, Faenza, Deruta, Casteldurante, one of the treasures of the Ermitage museum. Richly decorated cups and plates reflect the splendour of the princes' courts in the Renaissance.
Christofle, 170 years of creation
From june 6 to september 22 2003
The Christofle house, founded in 1830, supplied the most prestigious abes, from Louis Philippe to Napoleon III. Consequently, orders and creations trace the history of styles, techniques, gold and silver work and table manners.
Victor Vasarely
From june 6 to september 30 2003
The Galerie Pascal Lainé organized a retrospective of Vasrely's work, from his first paintings in 1946, to his most recent works in which he tries to integrate art to architecture. A revolutionnary artist, at the origin of his own geometric [...]
Manuelle Gautrand, cultural projects
From june 6 to july 12 2003
Various cultural projects by the Mauelle Gautand agency, recently rewarded by the Academy of Architecture, are presented to the public. Whether it is the National Drama Center in Béthune, the Pinault foundation for contemporary art on the Seguin [...]
Albert Marquet, the intelligence of the line
From june 6 to july 11 2003
Next to his paintings that are widely known and greatly exhibited, Albert Marquet's work also includes umerous drawings, less diffused to the public. The Laurentin Gallery tries to remedy this by presenting some fifty works by the artist, [...]
Bernard Frize
From june 6 to september 28 2003
Some one hundred works of art are scattered across Bernard Frize's carerr and allow us to best understand his creation process, chracteized by an absence of any expressiveness and representation, by a stange choice of the subject whicvh [...]
The Imagined woman, David Bennett miniatures
From june 6 to september 7 2003
Through a form of art old of various thousands of years, which we feared would disappear with the arrival of photography, David Bennett illuminates the beauty of women. His miniatures are full of a great imagination that goes from [...]
Algerian opening, living creations
From june 6 to august 14 2003
The exhibit groups together works by five contemporary artists of Algerian origin. Paintings, videos, photographs, installations refer to the question of identity and the Algerian cultural opening through different visual strategies.
1st part of the 2nd half
From june 6 to september 13 2003
A major figure in contemporary Canadian art, Stephen Andrews pursues his series known under the name of Hoi Polloi done from suspended vertical bands which suggest the unreeling of a story.
Wolfgang Tillmans - If one thing matters, everything matter
From june 6 to september 14 2003
The first monographic exhibit dedicated to the artist in Great Britain. His landscapes, still lives or portraits reveal a unique energy and an apparent spontaneity. As for his abstract compositions on photo-sensitive paper, they illustrate [...]
Duncan Wylie
From june 5 to july 26 2003
The young artist from Zimbabwe, Duncan Wylie, invites the public for his first personal exhibit in France to an urban treasure hunt. In his large format paintings the artist offers a visual patchwork with no references, space nor scale [...]
4th Biennal Event of Engraving - France/Japan
From june 5 to july 27 2003
The Print Biannual Exhibit of the Ile de France presents contemporary prints in their different tendencies, through all of their techniques and styles. This year Japan is the guest of honor.
GNS, Global Navigation System
From june 5 to september 7 2003
24 artist try to represent the world by using new topographic tools, from investigation to plans, from models to fiction, and reinvent a geography for the use of man. Among the artists there are Wim Delvoye, Ackermann, Hirschhorn, [...]
Cruel and tender : Photographs of the twentieth century
From june 5 to september 7 2003
To seize the moment, in its crudest and most realistic way, is the process some 200 photogprahres exhivited at the Tate Modern tried to follow, thus making the history of XXth century photography. From William Eggleston to Philip-Lorca [...]
Jean-Henri Fabre : the human and the insects
From june 5 to august 31 2003
A scientist, writer, poet, Fbre rubbed elbows with the gret men of his time, Darwin, Hugo. And his study of fauna and flora and of insects in particular, impressed a number of scientists and inspired many writers.Through a recreation [...]
Prize-winners of the CCF Foundation for the photography 2002 : Laurence Demaison and Rip Hopkins
From june 5 to july 19 2003
Two different photographic approaches of the portrait follow one another. Rip Hopkins, by putting men and materials side by side in a subversive photographic report, gives dignity to an unknown Tadjikistan. As for Laurence Demaison, [...]
Benanteur, originals engravings from 1960 to 1987
From june 4 to 28 2003
Benanteur, born in Algeria in 1931 and nurtured in a culture bathed in Arab poetry, music and song, enlightings and manscripts, creates prints which are like a new writing for him, in which each incision, each line is a sign.
The angers of earth
From june 4 to july 19 2003
Centered on the vioent phenomena of nature, tornadoes, earthquakes, mud slides, the exhibit groups together a selection of the photographic production of three press agencies Gamma, Keystone and Rapho with the aim of promoting press [...]
René Moreu - Pictogrammes 2001-2003
From june 4 to july 26 2003
In parallel to the monographic exhibit dedicated to the artist at the Halle Saint-Pierre in Paris, the Henry Bussière gallery presents the last cretions by René Moreu, the series Pictograms, done between 2001 and 2003, a witness of the permanent [...]
Jacques Henri Lartigue, 1894-1986 an album of a life
From june 4 to september 22 2003
As of the age of 7 Lartigue captured time and souvenirs through a camera given to him by his father. Along his life he made some one hundred albums, in a quasi obsessional grouping together. His photographic work is presented in all its diversity [...]
Aurélie Hue, Sophie Solnychkine, Stéphanie Teyssié
From june 4 to july 5 2003
Three young, promising artists. Aurélie Hue, a photographer,gives us matter to think about her own identity. Stéphanie Teyssié plunges us into his personal universe through videos and Sophie Solnychkine photographs somber places, a metaphore [...]
Pictures in clay, picture in paper - Antique ceramics and Andy Warhol
From june 4 to september 28 2003
At first glance an incongruent encounter between the Gallo-Roman vases decorated with medalions and silkscreen painting by Andy Warhol, between antique icons such as Faustine or Hercules and modenr icon such as Jackie Kennedy or Superman. [...]
Vassily Kandinsky. The dissolution of form
From june 3 to september 24 2003
45 paintings and works on paper by Kandinsky, come from public and private Russian and European collections, among which the important Composition VII, trace the evolution, from the beginnings of abstraction to the disappearance of form. [...]
From june 3 to 28 2003
Malel the painter sets his glnce on today's men and women, sketching in his notebooks the unusual moments captured during his walks. In his paintings, he expresses with precision the expressions and handles color with brio.
Bertrand Dorny, the man made of paper
From june 3 to august 24 2003
In forty years, Bertrand Dorny carried out more than 650 engraved plates and numerous collage-books. The BnF presents during the month of prints, an aspect of the evolution of its style and the techniques used by this amateur of paper, [...]
From Titian to Futurism, sights of the most beautiful squares in Italy
From june 2 to july 6 2003
The piazza plays a major role in the life of Italian towns. These pieces of architecture reflect not only an art of living but are also characterized by an architectual control, faithfully renderd through paintings by Italian artists [...]
Who is affraid by the red, the yellow and the blue?
From june 2 to september 28 2003
Since impressionism until Newman's monochromes, color has become not only a means but an end as well. Artists' works such as Bonnefoi, Couturier, Dubreuil, Monory, Villeglé confront he visitor with a colorful palett.
Summer exhibition goes sky high
From june 2 to august 10 2003
The summer exhibit at the Royal Academy of Art is dedicated to constructions at heights, varied works, sometimes simple projects, but all are utopic and audacious. For this occasion, young London artists try to create new skyscrapers, [...]
The *artists' studios in residence at the hospital in Europe
From june 2 to 9 2003
Art at the service of health: artists' workshops visit European hospitals to create art works for the children, in all fields -sculpture, painting, video...- which are then offered to the hospitals concerned, and exhibited at the Pitié [...]
From june 1 to 29 2003
Some feeling of holding back and a certain tranquility come out of Rikizo's abstract compositions. All the works are maturely thought out and assured: an honest touch of the bush on a thick canvas.
Numéro Zéro
From june 1 to september 28 2003
Magazines are a printed object- A source of inspiration for numerous artists and a support of artistic interventions- that holds an important place in culture.The exhibit approaches this dimension of teh object, through suggestions [...]
Artistes of movement
From june 1 to september 30 2003
Solweig von Kleist, painter and moviemaker, Frédéric Le Junter, sculptor of sounds and Laurent Pouvaret, sculptor of images, offer visitors their own interpretation of movement in a confrontation of styles and different techniques [...]