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2001 - 2005, art shows throughout the world seen by ArtoftheDay
Between 2001 and 2005, ArtoftheDay published every day a calendar of art shows opening in museums throughout the world and in French speaking countries art galleries. Each notice, often illustrated, offers a short commentary and a link to the museum or gallery where the exhibition was taking place.
These thousands of notices are a precious source of information and reflect the art trends of the times. By clicking on their title you will get access to their contents.
- Northern and southern shadows, at the points of the world
- From september 30 to october 31 2003
- Graciela Sacco is an Argentine artist. Sh euses heliograms and video to "create urban nterferences". She raises the problems of social changes and human relations nurished by the city.
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- Dream of Collection J-P Barbier-Mueller : 7 Millenium of New Sculptures - Europa, Asia, Africa
- From september 30 to november 29 2003
- The pieces collected over the years by the unfalible eye of Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller are seen in one same museum and they dialogue among themselves. Thus, among the 70 pieces presented, we can admire a statuette of a mother-godddess [...]
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- The painter's *Kurdistan
- From september 30 to october 18 2003
- A collective exhibit by Kurdish painters mostly exiled in paris. The memories of their far away land is very vivid in their work: they make their native land very present through lights and colors, a way for them to hold on to their [...]
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- No 3 : Haluk Akakçe - Animate Me Nos 1-3
- From september 30 to november 9 2003
- A painter by his studies, Haluk Akakçe is currently working with video support, by telling surealists stories as well as poetic ones. The works presented in this themed exhibit bring together the artist's two influences, as he travels [...]
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- Luck Ahmad Arab Rahami
- From september 29 to october 17 2003
- "Moarag" evokes the major phases in life represented here through different pictorial traits that twine and intertwine to shape drawings inspired by authentic Persian art.
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- I love you from far away
- From september 29 to october 5 2003
- The nine Polish artists presented here take a look into the theme of love and of indifference through photographs, paintings,videos and installations.
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- In focus: The Kiss
- From september 29 2003 to april 30 2004
- The kiss is one of the sculptures that inspired a great number of artists, of Rodin's time. It was initially part of a monumental bronze sculpture called The doors to Hell inspired by Dante's Inferno. [...]
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- Algeria, five artits
- From september 28 to november 16 2003
- Five Algerian, independent painters, photographers and poets offer us a certain idea of Algeria. One of liberty of thought, of living and creating. Nadia Benbouta, Bruno Boudjelal, Tarik Mesli, Hamid Tibouchi and Kamel Yahiaoui.
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- The european Middle ages of Jacques Le Goff.
- From september 28 2003 to january 6 2004
- As an homage to the French mediavalist, 50 pieces from the major European collections are gathered for the exhibit. Works of art and objects of daily life illustrate the idea, defended by the historian, of an European identity born [...]
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- Dissident Views and Creations
- From september 27 to november 30 2003
- Visions et Créations dissidentes in its fourth edition will host some ten young aritsts from all horizons. Their works use differen ttechniques, from oil on canvas to newspaper, including cardboard for wrapping. But they all have [...]
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- Marion Coutts and Claude Heath
- From september 27 to november 2 2003
- Marion Coutts exploits her somber side as well as her humorous one in her sculptures. Starting with elements of every day life ladden with significance, she makes sculptures that are close to the public. As for Claude Heath, he pursues [...]
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- 50 years of printery: Pierre Alechinsky
- From september 27 to november 9 2003
- To celebrate its 50 years of printing, the city of Metz has invited painter Pierre Alechinsky, an active member of CoBRa since 1949, to the Arsenal. A graphist, Alechinsky skilfully combines lines, colors as well as litterature. We can discover [...]
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- In *Cesar's Wake, Traces of the Romanization of a Land : The Excavations of Actiparc near Arras
- From september 27 2003 to january 4 2004
- The site of Actiparc has been occupied since the time of the Gauls. Following the conquest by the Romans big changes took place and the small fort turned into a large economic and administrative complex. An ensemble of archeologic [...]
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- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, the mountain life
- From september 27 2003 to january 4 2004
- 130 works by Kirchner, done betwen 1917 and 1926 at Davos, show a new aspect of the German expressionist artist's. Indeed, he appears as a great renovator of alpine art through nuerous landscapes, interior scenes and self-portraits.
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- Obsessive Painting - A Critical View of the Neue Wilde
- From september 27 2003 to january 4 2004
- In the 80s inGermany, a group of young artists got together to protest against minimalist and conceptual art which was omnipresent then. The group is known as the Neue Wilde. Some 140 of their works are presented, tracing the history [...]
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- Mauro Staccioli, the Place of the Sculpture
- From september 26 to december 21 2003
- Mauro Staccioli takes over the museum's space.He presents an installation never exhibited before, as well as monumental sculptures, a great number of drawings and recent graphic works in large formats. His creations are accompanied [...]
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- NEO : abused, forgotten, remodelled
- From september 26 2003 to january 6 2004
- 250 years of Dutch interiors.
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- The Art of Love: The Pleasures ans Pains of Love in World Art
- From september 26 2003 to april 27 2004
- This exhibit brings together 200 works of world art - India, China, Japan, Persia, Africa, Precolumbian America - and from all times, to retrace the love and passion trials and tribulations of the most famous lovers in the world, often [...]
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- Aztecs
- From september 26 2003 to january 11 2004
- After London and Berlin, this is the last stop for this exceptional event. From the origins of the Aztec empire to the arrival of the Spaniards in 1519, this ambitious exhibit sheds light on the splendors, the variety and the sophistication [...]
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- Guercino, the poetry and the theater of the feelings
- From september 26 2003 to january 18 2004
- Around some one hundred works found among the greatest international collections, the exhibit offers an itinerary of the work of Guerchino by enhancing the intimist, pathetic and spiritual characteristics of his pictural language.
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- Silver Italy
- From september 26 to november 16 2003
- Italy from 1839 to 1859 through some 150 daguerotypes done by the pioneers in photography -artists and amateurs -during their travels. Portraits, scenes from every day life, landscapes, monuments...exceptional examples never shown [...]
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- Sets of head
- From september 25 2003 to july 11 2004
- From as far back as one can remember, the head has been the object of all care and attention in Africa. The headresses and hairdoes are proof of great originality, and are charged with symbolism. Next to the sculptures and masks, the exhibit [...]
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- Jaume Plensa
- From september 25 to october 31 2003
- Jaume Plensa, a Spanish artist, who became famous at the beginning of the 80s with his large simple formats in cast-iron, then evolved towards sculptural installations using lights, sound and language.
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- Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940)
- From september 25 2003 to january 4 2004
- Hurry up, just a few days left!The first large retrospective dedicated to Edouard Vuillard. An ensemble of 230 works allows us for the first time to analyze in depth the whole of his career, from the 1890s to the 1930s. Paintings, [...]
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- Gilbert Garcin, Enactments
- From september 25 to november 22 2003
- Gilbert Garcin is turning into a director. He presents small burlesque and absurd scenes in his tiny theater made of pieces of string and cardboard. He has a rare sens of self-criticism and mischievous humor, and presents himsef in these [...]
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- Jean Cocteau
- From september 24 2003 to january 5 2004
- 40 years after his death, Cocteau is celebrated through some 900 pieces, drawings, manuscripts, films, photographs, objects, sculptures..., thus making up the portrait of a major artistic figure from the XXth century.
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- Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528) and German Engravings
- From september 24 2003 to march 8 2004
- 34 prints and an ensemble of 6 original drawings by Dürer are present. Religious, mythologic or allegoric subjects, the delicate traits and strenght of the drawings, all the magic of a great master who still fascinates everyone.
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- Dream Factory Communism
- From september 24 2003 to january 4 2004
- A carrier to diffuse communist propaganda, Soviet art decreed by Stalin had to follow a defined aesthetic, at the service of the regime, showing the industrailization and agriclture as the ultimate successes. This dictatorial type [...]
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- Gérard Garouste : The Holy Ellipses
- From september 24 to november 2 2003
- A 15-meter tall cone welcomes the spectator. The paintings and objects presented in this installation all tend towards the center of the composition, similar to a call to unify and assemble.
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- Fancy of the Harem and New Sheherazade
- From september 23 2003 to january 4 2004
- The 130 works presented confront the vision of Western and Oriental artists, and draw up a sensitive portrait of harems, half way between the myth and reality. The paintings offer a look at the different visions of beauty and love, [...]
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- Propaganda
- From september 23 to october 24 2003
- The works presneted, done by 10 artists under the age of 40, give an idea of contemporary creation in France. Imbued with advertsing messages, up to their necks in over-information, and blindd by television-reality, these young artists [...]
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- Seventh Avenue: Fashion Walk of Fame
- From september 23 2003 to january 3 2004
- Seventh Avenue in the United States is the equivalent of Avenue Montaigne in Paris: an avenue littered with luxurious shop windows, hot spots in American fashion, ever since the middle of the XIXth century. This exhibit pays tribute [...]
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- Treasures of a lost art : Italian manuscript painting of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- From september 23 2003 to february 1 2004
- Robert Lehman's collection of Italian illuminations includes 145 pieces dating from the XVIth to the XVIIIth centuries. The Metropolitan presents 101 pages and two volumes of which most are unknown by the specialists.
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- André François. Posters and Graphic Art
- From september 23 to december 27 2003
- The 150 posters presented underline the unique and incomparable style of this artist, who has stayed marginal to the major artistic currents. He uses the most diverse pictural techniques, and the imagination and unusual materials he uses [...]
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- Made in China
- From september 22 to december 14 2003
- Seven native Chinese artists, from Canton, Shanghaio rBeijing present their creations. Paintings, photographs, videos demosntrate that the young contemporary Chinese artistic scene and prove that China always remains the empire of art.
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- Mail-art in Paris
- From september 22 to november 1 2003
- A group of 50 international artists is grouped together at the Espace Beauregard to present their creations of postal art. The enveloppes transform themselves and are costumed on the theme of "Paris Fantasies". A nice proof of creativity.
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- Carlo Zinelli (1916-1974)
- From september 21 to december 7 2003
- After being a manual worker, a butcher and in the mountain infantry, Carlo Zanelli was interned in the psychiatric hospital of Verona, and started a new life.In the solitude of his crazyness, he did watercolors and drawings on the back [...]
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- Agostino Bonalumi: Painting in three dimensions
- From september 21 2003 to january 18 2004
- Ever since the 70s, Agostino Bonalumi opted for three-dimensional painting, and inlcuded inhis works different elements to give a relief to geometric symbols, live colors and always knew how to place them in wise monochromes.
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- Erwin Olaf - Silver
- From september 21 to november 30 2003
- No less than 25 years of work are traced in this large retrospective dedicated to Erwin Olaf, one of the greatest artists and most gifted of his generation. He worked both in journalism, in studio, specialized in advertising or major [...]
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- Bernhard Luginbühl : Total
- From september 21 2003 to january 25 2004
- In parallel to the Tinguely museum inBasel, the Kunstmuseum in Bern pays a homage to Luginbuhl. A multi-facet artist, his creations take the spectator into a world that is out of measure and chaotic. IIn his sculptures on wood or on steel, [...]
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- The Pit Collection
- From september 21 to october 31 2003
- The Pit collection is a heterogeneous grouping of ill-placed works, that form a surprising and intersting ensemble. The artists are chosen carefully: Basquiat, Warhol, Fontana... and the works are chosen for their particualr characteristics, [...]
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- Bertrand Gadenne
- From september 20 to november 8 2003
- Bertrand Gadenne works on images. One does not know in his installation where the image begins nor where it ends. It becomes fragil, fleeting and maybe that is where Bertrand Gadenne's art resides.
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- Kim en Joong : Peace Painter
- From september 20 to november 22 2003
- If angels could paint, their work would resemble that of Kim en Joong. His painting lets our spirit fly: games of transparency, lng movements, sparkles of colors...the lightness renders his work etherial. The 20 paintings and 4 stained [...]
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- Louise Nevelson, Sculptures
- From september 20 to november 8 2003
- To inaugurate its new space, the JGM Galerie has chosen the creations of Louise Nevelson. A group of pieces done between 1950 and 1980, traces the artist's career. These sculptures on wood, painted in white, black or gold, play with [...]
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- Look what I've seen
- From september 20 to november 23 2003
- How can one photograph one's trip? And in particular if it is an imaginary one? Has the photographic material always been correctly chosen? This exhibit wishes to stand as a witness to travel photograph since the XIXth century, as well [...]
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- Takako Saito , Takako's
- From september 20 to november 8 2003
- For this second persnal exhibit by th eartist Fluxus, 4 Shops are presneted, dating from th e90s, as well as an exceptional piece, A part of 5 ounce from the Brecht Archives , done in 1998 starting with documents of Brecht's and his own Italian [...]
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- Chinese Archeology : Treasure from the Guangxi
- From september 20 to november 16 2003
- Included in the Chinese year in France, some one hundred archeologic pieces from Guangxi are presented. Porcelains, bronzes, ...the objects selected are exceptionally beautiful. A fascinating discovery for the spirit and treat for the eyes. [...]
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- The Street. Hannah Collins
- From september 20 2003 to january 4 2004
- Through eight large format photogrpahs and two videos, Hannah Collins looks into extreme social situations everywhere in the world. By using the large foramt in photoraphs, she allows the spectator to take a direct part in the scenes [...]
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- Discovery of the contemporary art
- From september 20 to june 21 2003
- Each year the museum of Vendôme tries to extend the awareness of contemporary art a little more, to break it ourt of its anonymous status. By selcting non-exhaustive works among the collections of the FNAC and the museum of Châteauroux, [...]
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- The Louvre, history, architecture and dream
- From september 20 to november 30 2003
- Prints, projects, maps or imaginary views, old and contemporary photographs trace eight centuries of this emblematic site.
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- United Nations Miniature. Thomas Hirschhorn
- From september 20 to november 9 2003
- Swiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn, creator of a very committed work, decided to create an installation that denounces the horrors of the war. By using daily, household objects, or recycled objects, he quesitons the spectator on the violence [...]
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- The life of forms, photographs, drawngs from Picasso to Warhol
- From september 20 to november 9 2003
- Some 300 works -drawings, prints, photogrpahs -offer a themed itinerary on the interpretation of form all along the XXth century, carried out by major artists such as Picasso, Fontana, De Dominicis, Schifano, Jodice, Ernst, Lichtenstein, [...]
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- Jacob van Oost, a Baroque painter in Bruges
- From september 20 to december 14 2003
- REcent studies have defined the birth year of Jacob van Oost in 1603. This exhibit celebrates his new birthday.
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- Thierry Le Saëc : engraving and writting
- From september 19 to october 26 2003
- Thierry Le Saëc uses various techniques, but one same support: paper. And the same priamry colors. He tears, dilutes, scratches, superimposes or impregnates to reveal all the substance of the matter. His painting and his books are enriched [...]
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- Valérie Hermans : The ink and the fire, Paintings and Terracotta
- From september 19 to october 26 2003
- Through the virtuosity of her work and the beauty of her colors, Valérie Hermans leads the spectator far from Europe. These creations either in terra cotta or her paintings reveal a sense of esthaetics of great sensitivity and of perfect [...]
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- Know the white, adhere to the purple : seals by Laurent Long
- From september 19 to october 31 2003
- The title, a pastiche of a quotation by Laozi, picks up the name of two colors Laurent Long worked with. He presents 40 hollow or embossed seals, in stone. Linke dot the art of writing, the print of seals is an activity for a learned [...]
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- Franck and Olivier Turpin : Tandem
- From september 19 to november 22 2003
- A group of works by the Turpin brothers is presented in two differnet sites: Rez d'Art Contemporain and the Maison du Livre de l'image et du son. Sculptures and videos were especially made for this two-headed exhibit which echoes the Biennale [...]
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- World in accordance with François *Dubois
- From september 19 2003 to january 4 2004
- A multitude of works from Lausanne, different according to their specificities and their periods, are brought together and meet around main themes such as religion, cruelty, death and memory.
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- From Ireland... The lanscape National Gallery of Ireland graphic arts collection
- From september 19 2003 to january 4 2004
- Landscapes have always influencd or inspired artists. This exhibit allows us to trace the Irish art landscape, clearly influenced by their British neighbors; by exhibiting in particular works by famous artists such as Francis Place, [...]
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- Raoul Dufy - From pattern to colour
- From september 19 to november 23 2003
- The last stop for this travelling exhibit dedicated to Dufy. Hung up according to the theme -the sea, fashion, animals-... these works are set up on various supports and demonstrate the artist's polyvalency. 50 paintings, 70 drawings [...]
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- Settlement Alain Kirili
- From september 19 to december 31 2003
- Sculptor Alain Kirili donated 25 sculptures and 7 drawings to the Museum of Fine Arts in Valznciennes. The artist is convinced that contemporary art and ancient art must be confronted to allow a fertile artistic dialogue. His creations [...]
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- David Mach - Straight Up
- From september 19 to november 8 2003
- The focus is on the latest creations by David Mach. To do hi ssculptures, the artist uses objects and unusual materials: tires, hangers, barrils, matches...His inventiveness and his excentricity enhance the excesses of our consumer [...]
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- Glass memories, church windows of the Middle Ages
- From september 19 2003 to january 4 2004
- Life-size reproductions of stained glass windows of the XIth to the XVIth centuries of the cathedrals of Sens, Le Mans, Poitiers, Bourges or even Chartres are grouped together in the Panthéon in Paris.
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- Memento Mori
- From september 19 2003 to january 5 2004
- Art expresses feelings, realities that are not always perceived idrectly by man. Creation can also enhance fears on man's meaning and on the fears linked to the human condition.Death and Mourning, universal themes as far back as man can remember, [...]
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- «The creative spirit» from Pigalle to Canova - European terracotta ware (1740-1840)
- From september 19 2003 to january 5 2004
- Teracotta allows the sculptor to do study works. The malleable and soft matter authorizes very original works. A selection of 130 small sculptures in terra cotta, done at the turn of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries in Europe, traces [...]
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- Tanagra
- From september 19 2003 to january 5 2004
- These small figures in terra cotta discoverd by chance in the XIXth century in Tanagra in Beotie, created a real craze. The 240 small statues presented trace the birth of the myth of "Tanagra", a sort of ideal of feminine beauty, and invite [...]
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- Temporary Break, Jean Degrottex, Bernadette Chéné
- From september 18 to october 18 2003
- Two artists, two philosophies on creation for one same concept of work. Jean Degrottex gives life to the page with living signs, he links his gesture to meditation and gives his paintings a vital impulse. Bernadette Chéné develops [...]
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- Irene Kar
- From september 18 to october 12 2003
- Irene Kar seeks the image of our urban life through her creations. All the concept of her work is after our daily ritual in the cities through photographs and videos.
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- Laubiès: from 1950 to 2003
- From september 18 to november 8 2003
- This retrospective groups together some 60 works -paintings, water colors and drawings - by this abstract painter, firend of Fautrier's, and who said of himself "I best express myself through abstraction as I am seeking rhythm, color, [...]
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- Paul Klee : 1933
- From september 18 to november 30 2003
- A key year for Paul Klee. Some one hundred drawings exhibited for the first time demonstrate the artist's vehemence at the rise of Nazism.
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- Paul Tourenne, If only you saw what I see!...
- From september 18 to october 11 2003
- Fifty photographs trace 65 years of artistic work. Tourenne has a weakness for black and white, but does not ignore colors which he deals with with great talent.
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- Talibés and other kids from Africa, Philippe Deltour
- From september 18 to october 26 2003
- A Jack of all trades -graphic ratist, painter, sculptor -Philippe Deltour literally turned towards the field of visual arts. His work with matter and the choice of supports are closely linked to the subjects delt with. Here he deals [...]
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- Eduardo Arroyo, Recent paintings
- From september 18 to october 31 2003
- Eduardo Arroyo's style, linked to his imaginary and his iconographic material, is more than obvious: he paints 15 recognizable images (umbrella, sardines, hat, and other trivial elements) and revisits with humor Dürer's famous Melancolia [...]
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- Arsen Savadov, Donbass - Chocolat
- From september 18 to october 30 2003
- Winner of the prize at the International Photography Festival in Moscow in 2003, Savadov is one of the more radical Ukrainian artists. In the mines of Donbass in Ukrania he disturbs the miners daily, taking photographs of models in ballet [...]
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- Laurent Noël, at covered words
- From september 17 to 28 2003
- Laurent Noël presents his works in ink and oil on rice paper. The artist questions his need to show his work, his passion for art and the reaction or indifference of the spectator to his work.
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- Lin Delpierre, pictures
- From september 17 to october 19 2003
- During her travels through Japan, Russia, India, Argentina or Chile, Lin Delpierre ran into women. She immortalized these encounters ofht eday through her film. Urban and sensitive encounters that make the spectator travel.
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- Jeanne Susplugas : Addicted
- From september 17 to october 25 2003
- Born in a family of pharmacists, greatly intoxicated from her childhood, Jeanne Suspuglas naturally introduced medicine in her work. Since 1998, she denounces through her work our society that is conditioned by pills which are both [...]
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- Douglas R. Weathersby : 2003 ICA Artist Prize
- From september 17 to january 4 2003
- The winner of the prize of the Institute of Contemporary Art created a specific installation for the museum. The artist used the waste and scrap we throw away every day to attract our attention to the world that surrounds us.
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- Bright minds, beautiful ideas, parallel thoughts in different times
- From september 17 to november 30 2003
- They do not limit themselves to th eproduction of design objects, but rather observe and study their contemporary societies, in order to build new design concepts. They are Charles (1907-1978) and Ray Eames (1912-1988), Bruno Murani [...]
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- Cinema Italia: Classic Italian Film Posters
- From september 17 2003 to january 25 2004
- All the history of Italian cinema, from its beginnings to the great successes of the sixties, including fascism of the thirties, is illustrated in this exhibit through posters from the collection of the British Film Institute as well [...]
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- Jörg Langhans, New creations
- From september 17 to november 8 2003
- Jörg Langhans renews with tradition by doing paintings in the style of Vanity. No skull, nor flower nor hour glass to remind us of the frailness of our existence an dthe uslessness of things; only fragmented bodies and unreal landscapes. [...]
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- Splat Boom Pow! The influence of cartoons on contemporary art
- From september 17 2003 to january 4 2004
- The exhibit demonstrates through the work of over sixty works by well-known artists (Murakami, Roy Lichenstein, ...), or some on the way to becoming famous, th einfluence of cartoon strips on three generations of contemporary artists.Some [...]
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- Muriel Abadie
- From september 17 to november 15 2003
- A native from the Hautes-Pyrénées region, graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Toulouse and Applied arts in Paris, Muriel Abadie is inspired by every day objects, such as a juice maker or a sieve, to create vitaminized compositions, full [...]
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- Allo... Moshi Moshi
- From september 17 to december 27 2003
- Posters, videos, webdesign offer a cross look on graphic creation between Paris and Tokyo...
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- Veronica Nicholson, Dermot Seymour et Andrew Folan : Dead Bodies
- From september 17 to october 30 2003
- Three Irish artists presnet their works carried out on the themes of decline, of death and of decomposition. Hyperrealist photographs, monumental paintings and digital prints: three different techniques, three specific sensitivities [...]
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- Anne Hausner : Natur and Structure - Paintings ans Pictures
- From september 17 to november 23 2003
- Anne Hauser presents its recent works. Inspired by nature -water, earth, air -all the elements meet on these works like a metaphore of chaos and order. Her painted canvases dialogue with her photographs in a succesful esthetic exchange.
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- Focus on the Sculpture - Selected Pieces from a collection 1650-1800
- From september 17 to october 25 2003
- A collection is an encounter, the desire to find an esthetic pleasure, a greatly coherent ensemble. As an echo to the exhibit at the Louvre The creative spirit from Pigalle to Canova, a selection of sculptures in terra cotta is presented. [...]
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- Nina Ricci : The Perfume must be Art
- From september 17 to january 5 2003
- During the perfume week in Chartres, Nina Ricci nveils herself in an exclusive exhibit.A selction of pieces: exceptional bottles, portraits, ads...trace the history of a woman and a name. A hommage to Rmanticism, to love and femininity, [...]
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- Vietnam: art and culture from Prehistory until today
- From september 17 2003 to february 29 2004
- This original exhibit groups together for the first time more than three hundred works of art from Vietnamese and European museums. An opportunity to discover a for m of art inspired from the Chinese Empire, but with its own identity, [...]
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- Pantachronismes
- From september 17 to november 22 2003
- The Museum of contemporary Art in Lyon and the museum of casting offer an original angle of art history. The works selected in their reserves are confronted one to the other. The relatiosn thus created are the result of thoughts by professors [...]
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- Bruno Yvonnet: Resumptions
- From september 16 to october 31 2003
- Following a long period during which he did not exhibit, Bruno Yvonnet "is back" in Lyon, and "is back" to painting, which he had equally left aside.The result is a series of paintings on tar, sometimes in two copies, just to prove [...]
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- Algeria's Mother: South Colours
- From september 16 to november 30 2003
- Included in the year of Algeria, this exhibit presents works painted by some twelve different French artists, who share the fact of following their studies at Beaux-Arts in Alger. A unique complicity, which can be translated by a specific [...]
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- Istvan Francer, Drawings
- From september 16 to october 14 2003
- Istvan Francer, a fashion creator, worked for Donna Karan and Cerruti. A Hungarian from Yougoslavia, he grew up in a border-town, a plac eof encounters of peoples and cultures, surrounded by the canvases of a collector father. He draws [...]
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- Hungarian from Hungary versus Hungarian from France, a selection from among The Szöllosi-Nagy & Nemes Collection
- From september 16 to october 14 2003
- Andras Szöllosi-Nagy and his wife Judit Nemes have brough ttogether creations by Hungarian artists living in France and artists who stayed in Hungary. Their colection illustrates the dialogue interupted between the two artistic communities [...]
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- Actors, Living Paintings, Pictures by Tommaso Le Pera
- From september 15 to october 10 2003
- A selection of 40 portraits of great Italian comedians unveils for us the theater world in Italy. Tommaso Le Pera is considered one of the greatest photographers in this field. Since 1965 he immortalized on his film magical moments, [...]
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- The Art of Romane Bearden, 1911-1988
- From september 15 2003 to january 12 2004
- Preeminent artist of his generation, Romane Bearden essentially represents places where he lived and worked : New York, Pittsburg...Various subjects: history, jazz clubs, literature in different media.
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- Lynn Chadwick
- From september 15 2003 to march 15 2004
- Lynn Chadwick is one of th emost important sculptors of the XXth century. The Tate presents a retrospective of his work. The 30 selected pieces represent the 50 years of the career of an artist who died in April 2003.
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- André Derain
- From september 15 to december 12 2003
- Landscapes, still lives, portraits, nudes...Derain's work is marked by the artist's creative diversity and esthetic audacity. Some twenty exceptional paintings, nearly 200 drawings and some 15 sculptures are presented for the first [...]
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- the Uneasy creation from Picasso to Bacon
- From september 14 to december 31 2003
- 90 artists grouped around the theme of anguish through the XXth cnetury. From Munch to Ensor, Schiele, Kokoschka, Fautrier, Burri, de Chirico or even Schad, all knew better than anyone else how to express in a singular manner the feeling [...]
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- Meanwhile in the real World
- From september 13 to october 14 2003
- The selection of works from the FRAC Ile de France presented in the Sorbonne chapel asks the question of coexistence between a ficticious world and a real one. Various levels of reading are suggested to the spectator: political, historic [...]
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- André Borderie
- From september 13 to october 31 2003
- André Borderie, a ceramist-visual artist is a great defendor of art integrated into the life of the city. His works are emblematic of the 50s in France. The gallery presents a group of unique ceramic pieces.
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- Ange Leccia
- From september 13 to november 7 2003
- Ange Leccia aconfronts a large abstract landscape with a new series of photographs as well as a video, through which he targets political unrest in Arab countries.
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- Eric Fischl, paintings and drawings 1979 - 2001
- From september 13 2003 to january 4 2004
- Eric Fischl grew up to the promises of the American Way of Life.But in the 70s he began drawing an acid portrait of the American middle class, without any concessions. Some one hundred pieces present the artist's large themes, and this [...]
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- Georg Oddner, Transit
- From september 13 to november 2 2003
- The Malmö Konsthall pays hommage to Swedish photographer Georg Oddner. A selection of photogrpahs traces the artist's rich career. The works presented enhance the extreme diversity of his work and the great variety of techniques he used. [...]
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- Will Cotton
- From september 13 to october 18 2003
- Will Cotton creates on his canvases landscapes made of candies and cakes, as if they had come out of an imaginary world of our love for sweets and our childhood menories. The artist plays with desire and the ill feeling created by this [...]
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- Inventory of fixtures before return
- From september 13 to october 26 2003
- Laurent Faucon, Sébastien Perroud and Delphine Reist offer a last occupation of the Subsistances, a plac eof creation they know well, given the many residneces they have had there. This exhibit is threfore an "inventory of fixtures" [...]
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- Christian Jankowski
- From september 13 to december 7 2003
- The German artist has chosen the television show to make fun of the art world and the museum environment. In this manner, in his videos, the curators are children and the visitors of the galery are sheep, while the artist is changed [...]
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- The first Gold of Humanity
- From september 13 2003 to january 15 2004
- The pieces presented, among them the oldest gold bracelet ever discovered, come from the tombs of Varna in Bulgaria. The objects from the world of the dead are put in parallel with those of the world of the living. The subtle scenography [...]
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- Jean Dubuffet
- From september 12 to december 20 2003
- The Karsten Greve galery pays an homage to the first works by Jean Dubuffet through an important exhibit composed by some fifteen paintings and works on paper, done between 1945 and 1958. Most of these works are exhibited in France [...]
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- Antoine d'Agata, 1001 nights
- From september 12 to october 18 2003
- Antoine d'Agata's work questions. In fac eof this avalanche of images, the spectator must select the one sthat most affect him. Th eartist gives us hi simpressions of a chaotic world. Through emotions, doubts and excesses, he unveils [...]
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- Olivier Dollinger, réverb
- From september 12 to october 26 2003
- Olliver Dollinger set up a unique and surprising video and sound system. I nhi swork the artist aims at the process of identification and the mechanisms of the collective memory. He confronts the memory of a Hollywood icon to young [...]
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- Toshinari Sato : see the world from rabbit holes
- From september 12 to october 26 2003
- Toshinori Sato broungt back from his travels photographs and a log book that he presents today. The artist has a critical eye on the city and the physical and cultural problems it causes society. Th eplastic quality of his work is fascinating, [...]
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- Yann Toma : BF15 Airport
- From september 12 to october 11 2003
- The BF15 is transformed into an airport for homing pigeons. Eac hday pigeons carry press wires (AFP source) linked to current events from all over the world. The traffic control tower is open to visitors. And over 1000 birds will be let loose [...]
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- William Klein
- From september 12 to november 6 2003
- The Fifty One gallery has grouped together some photographs which have become true objects of cult for William Klein's first exhibit in Belgium. Heading for a painter's career, William Klein started takenphotos to dneounce the absurdities [...]
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- Valie Export
- From september 12 to december 21 2003
- This retrospective covers 30 years of the artist's life, his first photographs in the street (Body configuration) to the conceptual photographs on images and time (Expanded cinema) not forgetting his performances, his films and his videos.
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- Jean Tardieu, how speaking music
- From september 12 to november 9 2003
- 350 documents -books, art books, orignals, manuscripts, paintings and differnet objects -allow us to discover the front-row place occupied by music in the poet's work and life.
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- Rudolf Wachter. Out of tree trunks
- From september 12 to november 9 2003
- For some years now Rudolf Wachter has been sculpting in wood. He models his works from a unique trunk, and adapts his creation sotthe natural shape of the tree. For his 80th anniversary, 50 of his sculptures are presneted. A very [...]
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- Paul Aïzpiri
- From september 11 to october 4 2003
- Some sixty paintings rce the artist's last evolution towards an increasingly sober, figurative type of painting. The light and brightness of his paintings turn them into true lively works.
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- Thierry Blum, sculptures
- From september 11 to 28 2003
- Humour, tenderness, mockery and solitude are side byside inThierry Blum's work. The thirty sculptures presented unveil the aartist's unique and eclectic universe. The most diverse subjects combine. Thierry Blum masters the matter and fabricates [...]
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- The treasury of the Pope : Utensils from the Vatican sacristies
- From september 11 to november 30 2003
- Objects which rarely go out of the sacristy of the Vatican are exhibited for the 150th anniversary of the reinstitution of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Netherlands. These treasures are usually hidden behind the Last Judgement [...]
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- The *ways of the "art brut"(2)
- From september 11 to november 17 2003
- A new perspective of Art Brut through the work of 3 artists and 2 themed presentations. A.C.M. takes us into labyrinthe sculptures, Aloïse Corbaz unveils her theatrical universe, and Théo traces the history of his life. Three routes, [...]
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- Roland Fischer
- From september 11 to november 9 2003
- Roland Fischer tries to renew the ancestral portrait genre and offers a more contemporary vision. Thus the visitor has an idea by observing his series of portraits of nuns and monks or even portraits of people in China which present [...]
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- Eduard Angeli, Drawings 1998 - 2003
- From september 10 to november 23 2003
- Eduard Angeli has become a master in the art of painting his large foramt paintings. His work is filled with an unusual way of thinking and type of esthetics. In his last paintings the artist plays on the mystery of shapes and colors. [...]
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- Counterpoint: The Architecture of daniel Libeskind
- From september 10 2003 to january 4 2004
- The museum's project manager, Daniel Libeskind is one of today's major architects. Models, drawings, plans, photographs, films...present 14 of his projects. From the future World Trade Center, to the Imperial War Musuem in Manchester, [...]
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- Lorenzo di Credi, Drawings from the Louvre Collection
- From september 10 to november 17 2003
- The Louvre continues its homage to the painters who worked in the workshop of Verrochio in Florence, by presneting drawings by painter Lorenzo di Credi. His owrks are accompanied by those of the sculptor Francesco di Simone Ferruchi. [...]
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- Joseph Bernard, Sculptures and Drawings
- From september 10 to november 16 2003
- Some sixty sculptures, some twenty preparatory drawings and photogrpahic documents trace the career of the sculptor Joseph Bernard. This extremely complete retrospective illustrates very well the artist's evolution from his beginnings [...]
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- The Responsive eye : Ralph T. Coe and the collecting of American Indian Art
- From september 9 to december 14 2003
- Two hundred objects from Ralph T. Coe's collection trace the history of the Americna indian, since 2000 B.C. to our day. Masks, deer skin shirts, pipes, baskets, pearl bags are proofs of this civilization.
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- John Currin
- From september 8 to november 2 2003
- 50 paintings evoke the career of this young American artist considered as one of the most provocative of his generation. While his first series of paintigns were often inspired from photographs from popular culture, his refernc eis a list [...]
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- Gallerie's Artists (paintings) and B&M Leisgen Retrospective (pictures)
- From september 7 to 30 2003
- A retrospective presents the work of Barbara and Michael Liegen sine their encounter in 1970. A whole era is traced through their photographs, accompanied by an assortmnet of creations by artists of the gallery.
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- Frank O. Gehry : Work in Progress
- From september 7 2003 to january 26 2004
- Drawings, sketches, photographs, models, samples of differnet materials..Architect Frank O. Gehry, the creator of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, unveils the corridors of his work. The studies, thoughtds, the changes that take place [...]
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- Paulagabriela : Tubes
- From september 6 to october 31 2003
- By playing with hhtheir resemblances,Paulagabriela like to get confused and trouble the public by interchnging their identities. Their work on tubes illustrates this interdependence. Union and liaison, the tubes are a point of depature [...]
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- Veit Stratmann
- From september 6 to october 6 2003
- Veit Stratman has done a new installation for the gallery, constantly linked to his theoretical and visual thoughts on the spectator's place in public space. The artist has built a wall of light with neon lights, a sort of opaque mirror [...]
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- 10 - 20 : 10th Birthday of the Filature, 20th Birthday of the FRAC
- From september 6 to october 26 2003
- The works selected in the collections of the FRAC of Alsace question our perception of landscapes.How can art help us step out of banality, to rediscover these territories which our eyes no longer perceive as they see them and look [...]
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- Carl Fudge
- From september 6 to october 14 2003
- Carl Fudge presents his new creations ofr the first time in France. Halfway between abstraction and figuration, the artist creates his own style, playing on the visual reading of his works that combine different techniques.
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- Strange day(s)
- From september 6 to october 26 2003
- Nine inmates from the Cnetral PRison of Ensisheim have carried out with the help of Fernande Petitdemange a series of photographs. Snapshots of their prison, a universe they know too well. Yet photography has opened the doors of the imagination [...]
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- Christian Boltanski, Entre Temps
- From september 6 to october 11 2003
- Entre-temps evokes a group of recent installations on the recurrent themes of memory and time.
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- Damme Indigo 2003
- From september 6 to october 21 2003
- The second part of the "Damme Indigo 2003" project that occupies the urban space under the form of installations and contemporary art exhibits.Artists present their work linked to the color indigo and what it represents to them.
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- My little firm
- From september 6 to december 14 2003
- Starting with the corporate world, the exhibit offers a recognition of the artistic practice in the midst of the production apparatus, via the installation of professional stands fixed up for artists.
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- The Piron Studio : 3 Generations of Photographers in Namur 1894-1970
- From september 6 to october 19 2003
- The Piron Studio has bequested a fund of 300 000 negatives, representing th ework of three generations of professional photographers.A selection of 350 modern prints traces a century of life in Namur. Portraits, images of daily life [...]
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- Naoko Majima: Jigokuraku (Hell and Heaven)
- From september 5 to 27 2003
- Well known in Japan, Naoko Majima exhibits for the first time in France, and suggests to us to discover through his work a tormented, violent universe, of which the main subject is sexuality. Drawings and installations combine materials, [...]
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- Yan Pei-Ming - Building site
- From september 5 to november 2 2003
- The exhibit space has become the location of a pictorial research in which Yan Pei-Ming creates his portraits directly, without touching them up afterwards. Red or black portraits that do not rest on resemblance but rather on the idea [...]
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- Chen *Dehong, Wei Qian and Han Jing Ting : Rides
- From september 4 to october 16 2003
- All three are reat painters of horses, but each one of these Chinese artists has his own way of representing them. Chen Dehong begisn with calligraphy to combine it with pictural elements. Wei Qian is dedicated to more "ethnic" representations. [...]
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- Yuan Wu and Ren Huizong : Drink to the moon
- From september 4 to october 16 2003
- Yuan Wu and Ren Huizong have in common in their work the will of representing the letter people. Famous letters, like the poet Li Po from the Tang dynasty, who "drank to the moon", or differnet men of leters who drank rice alcohol [...]
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- Giuseppe De Candia
- From september 4 to 26 2003
- The works by Giuseppe de Cnadia are those of his mature years. The painter had ataiend the full equilibrium of his thoughts. The movement and the color of his paintings make the artist's sensations and thoughts more visible.
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- Nathalie Rheims : Invisible Light for my eyes, Postmortem Pictures Collection
- From september 2 to october 31 2003
- The last images, last memories... The postmortem portrait immortalized the traits of people now gone. As Nathalie Reims' book comes out, her collection of postmortem photographs will be presented to the public. Famous men are side [...]
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