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2001 - 2005, art shows throughout the world seen by ArtoftheDay

Between 2001 and 2005, ArtoftheDay published every day a calendar of art shows opening in museums throughout the world and in French speaking countries art galleries. Each notice, often illustrated, offers a short commentary and a link to the museum or gallery where the exhibition was taking place.

These thousands of notices are a precious source of information and reflect the art trends of the times. By clicking on their title you will get access to their contents.

Liisa Lounila - Flirt, Popcorn, Play
From november 30 to december 18 2004
The exhibit sets up 3 videos. Each one of them creates the illusion of a movement around a subject, set on moments of violence, pleasure or games. This effect of "pieces of time" gives a visual, destabilizing experience.
Christmas past - 400 years of seasonal traditions in English homes
From november 30 2004 to january 2 2005
As each year, various rooms in the museum are decorated in an authentic, festive way, from variou speriods, giving visitors a magical glance into 400 years of past Christmases.The exhibit shows how the rituals and traditions of Christmas [...]
Rubens. The worship of the Witches
From november 30 2004 to february 27 2005
The exhibit allows us to appreciate the artistic genius of Rubens through the main theme of one of his greatest paintings, The adoration of the Magi. To accomplish this the exhibit brings together other paintings that teach us the creation [...]
Michel Steiner, Resemblances
From november 27 to december 30 2004
The exhibit presents nudes by Michel Steiner, a theme he put in the center of his creation. His work is part of a recovered expression of freedom, since the arrival of photographic techniques, in which the body he represents is no longer [...]
World Architectures - The View of J. R. Curtis
From november 27 2004 to march 12 2005
The exhibit presnet some sixty images from the collection of architecture photographs of the historian, critic and painter William J.R. Curtis. The exhibit,which includes photographs collected during his many trips over a 30 year period, [...]
Daniel Levigoureux. Landscapes between earth, sky and sea
From november 27 2004 to february 15 2005
The Musée départemental de l’Oise presents th elast part of a triptyc dedicated to the landscape seen by contemporary artists: enlightened paintigns by Daniel Levigoureux. In total, thirty oil and acrylic paintings, as well as some [...]
The impressionists and the snow
From november 27 2004 to april 25 2005
This superb exhibit allows us to appreciate over 150 works of art on th theme of winter and the snow in the traditon of the landscapes of the great painters of the XXIth cnetury. Paintigns by Courbet, Manet, Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, [...]
Embroiding without couting - the art of the embroidery in Alsace from 16th to 20th century
From november 26 2004 to march 7 2005
This discovery-exchibit unveils to us Alsacian embroidery and all its aspects through the presentation of nearly 200 pieces. This decorative art, considered a minor art form, nevertheless allows us to confront wise art and popular [...]
Thread and silver. Memoirs of chinese Miao
From november 26 2004 to may 1 2005
The esssential part of the cultural identity of the Miao people, an ethnic group from South-West China, is shown in the specificity of their clothing and their silver headdress.This collection of costumes and jewels lets us discover [...]
India, golden jewels of the collections of the Barbier-Mueller museum
From november 26 2004 to march 29 2005
The collection of indian jewels from the Musée Barbier-Mueller is a treasure dating from the XIXth and XXth centuries. Including bracelets from Tamil Nadu, earings from Kerala, necklaces from Rajasthan...gold, silver and corral, decorated [...]
Purple and exile - The Aiglon and the imperial Prince
From november 26 2004 to march 7 2005
For the bicentenial of th eEMpire, the museum invites us to discover the destinies of two princes, through nearly 230 pieces -paintigns, drawings, prints, sculptures, docuemtns from teh archives, furniture, objets d'art and photogrpahs. [...]
Semper Polonia, the art in Poland from the Lights to Romanticism ( 1764-1850 )
From november 26 2004 to february 28 2005
The exhibit begisn with the century of the enlightment, goes through the painful period of exile including the painful first months of Romanticism exacerbated by the National feeling and the fascination with the Napoleonic era. It thus [...]
The *New Art : The Bing empire
From november 26 2004 to february 27 2005
A large exhibit on the origins of Art Nouveau in France, with the Bing galery as the conducting thread. Over 400 works and pieces are presented -paintigns by Toulouse Lautrec, Vuillard, sculptures by Rodin and ceramics and jewels by Van de Velde, [...]
Portuguese ceramic from XVIIe to XIXe century
From november 25 2004 to march 28 2005
The exhibit focuses on Portugal's ceramic patrimony still unknown outside its national borders: the pieces of earthenware from the XVIIth century influenced by Chinese porcelain, baroque containers from the XVIIIth century and productions [...]
The beautiful and the Haughtiness, from the Genoese Baroque in the Country of Nice
From november 25 2004 to january 31 2005
The exhibit underlines the painters of the school of Genoa, from Luca Cambiaso to Alessandro Magnasco, through works from the museums of Genoa and Savona and churches from the region behind Nice. We also discover various places that [...]
Holbein to Hockney - drawings from the Royal Collection
From november 25 2004 to march 6 2005
From the sketch quickly carrie dout to the fiished productions, the 75 works selected for this exhibit cover each type of drawing done in Europe since the Renaissance; it includes compositions done for paintings, model studies, portraits, [...]
Bourgeois brothers and the modern movement in Belgium
From november 24 2004 to march 27 2005
The exhibit presents the architectural creations of Victor Bourgeois and Pierre Bourgeois' art collection, in particular works by Magritte, De Bock, Maes... They both participated actively in the avant gard movement of the 20s, wit hthe [...]
André Jacqmain - Coming out imaginary
From november 24 2004 to march 27 2005
The exhibit is presneted under a poetic angle that allows us to enter André Jacqmain's special universe and to understand his artistic approach. Some 71 plates (drawings, texts, photographs), created by Jacqmain fo the exhibit, are the reminiscence [...]
The Pope and the Emperor (the welcome of Pie VII by Napoléon in Fontainebleau, november 25th 1804)
From november 24 2004 to january 24 2005
This special exhibit allow sus to relive, through the paintings and objects, the reception taht was given in Fontainebleau at the moment of the visit of Pope Pius VII for the ceremony of the crowning of Napoleon. Some ten works of art are grouped [...]
Napoleon: from the propaganda to the legend
From november 23 2004 to february 28 2005
The exhibit presents the Napoleonic legend, with the help of some one hundred original documents, pieces from the archives, works of art, objects,whether luxurious or of daily use. A legend Napoleon himself drew up and imposed on his contemporaries [...]
Major print gift from Kenneth E.Tyler goes on display at Tate
From november 22 2004 to march 1 2005
The exhibit presents engraved works offered to the Tate by Kenneth E Tyler, the famous American engraver who collaborated with the most famous international artists. The nearly 400 engravings, done for the greater part between 1980 [...]
Monet's disciple - The " Main Street" of Emilio Boggio
From november 21 2004 to march 13 2005
Between 1901 and 1913, Emilio Boggio did a series of eight large paintings representing a unique motive: the ferris wheel of Vaux-sur-Seine, done in the same style as the ones painted by Claude Monet. This ensemble of urban landscapes [...]
Philippe Guesdon, textile sequence
From november 20 to december 19 2004
Some twenty large canvases trace the work of Philippe Guesdon through his long periods of creativity. Aside from the paintings chosen in his three series -Dentelles, Cursives et Passages-, he presnets a work of revisitation of certain [...]
Babylon's Syndrome
From november 20 2004 to january 15 2005
The exhibit refers to the biblical a myth of Babylone to demonstrate our difficulty in understanding contemporary abstract works -from the FRAC in Auvergne-, for which we need a certain distance from our visual and intellectual habits [...]
Of gold and space
From november 20 to december 5 2004
This installation by Denys Vinzant is an ensemble of invitations written in gold ink on glass plates that he transformed into a loud speaker. This work of writing and games of transparency make for a sound and visual exhibit where [...]
Alfred Manessier - The Baie de Somme and Picardie' landscapes
From november 20 to december 17 2004
The exhibit dedicated to the landscpaes of the Somme region presents oils on canvas as well as a great number of graphic works-watercolors, pastels, inks, wash drawings, colored crayons-through which Alfred Manessier translates the liquid [...]
Marie Raymond - Yves Klein
From november 20 2004 to february 27 2005
The exhibit brings together some sixty works of art, done between the 30s and the 80s, and traces the itinerary of a family of artists -Fred Klein, his wife Marie Raymond, their son Yves -whose creation has revolutionized art by its surprising [...]
Jörg Sasse
From november 20 2004 to january 24 2005
The first retrospective in France dedicated to Jörg Sasse, whose work is at the crossroads between photography and digital images. It brings together photographs from the 80s, more recent works manipulated by computer, and over 200 photographs [...]
From Ensor to Magritte, in Gand's museum collections
From november 20 2004 to february 27 2005
78 works from the collection of the Gand musuem offer a look at the ensemble of neo-impressionist and surrealist painting in Belgium, from the end of the XIXth century to the middle of the XXth. With artists such as Toorop, Kokoschka, [...]
Claude Goutin, The triangle of Roma
From november 19 2004 to january 31 2005
Some fifty photographs illustrate the different phases of the making of the sculpture Homage to La Fayette. Modle sof th ehistory of the statue as well as some ecuestrian drawings by the artist accompany this presentation.
Of Gavarni to Olivier Debré, a collector of prints in the XXth century
From november 19 2004 to august 23 2005
Collector Jacques Rech donated the most precious part of his collection of engravings to the museum in 1997, then 200 lithographs in 2000. The exhibit lets us discover the 117 sheets taken from the famous XIXth century newspaper "La caricature", [...]
I, Lovis Corinth. The self-portraits
From november 19 2004 to february 6 2005
Lovis Corinth is an artist who prepared the arrival of modern art in Germany. By working on the self portrait he made artistic representations evolve. Aside from various drawings, paintings and watercolors, the exhibit will include [...]
From november 18 to december 20 2004
He revisits genre painting: interior scenes, urban scapes, landscapes, highways...In order to balance his compositions, make the right drawing, he questions one after another the urban environment, our way of putting ourselves on stage [...]
Circling the square: Russian avant-garde porcelain
From november 18 2004 to july 31 2005
The exhibit brings together some 300 pieces in porcelain from the porcelain factories of Saint Petersburg, as well as 70 drawings done between 1918 and the middle of the 1930s. The works by Kandinsky, Vilde, Malevich or Suetin reveal [...]
Objetcs complement - 10 years of purchase
From november 18 2004 to august 31 2005
The museum of the city of Montluçon becomes the museum of popular musics, one of the largest ensembles of instruments in France, created through ten years of purchasing popular music instruments, collecting sound instruments, audiovisual [...]
Julio Gonzàles (1876-1942)
From november 17 2004 to february 21 2005
For the first time in Paris, an exhibit welcomes the sculptures of Julio Gonzàlez, a major figure of modern art sometimes forgotten. Nearly 150 works, including his sculptures and drawings as well as his silver works cover all the chronology [...]
The House of Wendel (1704-2004), three centuries of industry in Lorraine
From november 16 2004 to february 13 2005
With the help of paintings, sculptures, objects, models of palces and machines, architect drawings or technical drawings, old photographs...the exhibit traces an industrial and human adventure, in a province with a tormented history. [...]
Winnie Denker, the Eiffel Tower
From november 15 2004 to january 31 2005
Ever since the end of the 80s, photographer Winnie Denker has taken posession of Paris' symbol, the Eiffel Tower. Exceptional prints and imposing formats reveal the games and exchanges that took place between the iron lady and the artist [...]
Pablo Neruda: I confess that I lived
From november 15 2004 to january 28 2005
The exhibit is built around 44 photographs that tell the poet's life, presenting the famous houses he built at Isla Negra and Santiago de Chile, and others showing the very strong and moving presence of Pablo Neruda in Chile. This [...]
Stubbs and the horse
From november 14 2004 to february 6 2005
The exhibit focuses on the central theme of Stubb's work -refined portraits of race horse to spectacular scenes of horses attacked by lions in the wild -and celebrates the artist that many consider as the greatest horse painter in the history [...]
From Francisco Goya to Claude Viallat: tauromachy
From november 14 to december 19 2004
The exhibit presents 40 engravings by Francisco de Goya and works by contemporary artists -Claude Viallat, Vincent Bioulès, Georges Badin, François Martin, Jean-Luc Nancy- on the theme of bullfighting.
Godfried Donkor (Ghana), Financial times
From november 13 2004 to january 30 2005
The first personal exhibit dedicated to Godfried Donkor, whose works have been shown in the exhibit "Transferts" organized by Africalia 2003, as well as in a series of exhibits programed around contemporary African artists.
Raymond Depardon - 7 x 3, a films exhibition
From november 13 2004 to february 27 2005
The exhibit presents 7 simultaneous screenings of colour and black and white movies, 3 to 5 minutes long, of 7 cities -Rio de Janeiro, Shangai, Tokyo, Berlin, Moscow, Addis-Abeda and Cairo- which the artist went through. In each city [...]
Hiroshi Sugimoto - Being given: the Big Glass
From november 13 2004 to february 27 2005
Sugimoto photographed a collection of scientific objects from the XIXe century.He explores the raltion between the photographer, science and history of art, leading to different degrees of interpretation. Th eexhibit brings together [...]
Witold Gombrowicz, from Varsovie to Vence
From november 13 2004 to february 13 2005
For the centenial of the birth of Witold Gombrowicz, the castle of Villeneuve offers an approach to the writer's life and work as well as of his long trip from hisnative Poland to Venice. The exhibit allows us to enter the process [...]
The Kenneth E Tyler Print Gift
From november 13 2004 to april 3 2005
The exhibit presents the engraved works offered to the Tate Galery by Kenneth E Tyler, the famous American engraver who worked with important international artists. The nearly 400 engravings, made for the greater majority between 1980 [...]
Close, dreams a squatted sphinx...
From november 12 2004 to february 10 2005
As part of its new policy in contemporary art, the Louvre museum has invited Patrick Faigenbaum and eight artists from his workshop to come work in the museum for a year. Th eexhibit offers the results of this work which contributes [...]
Counterpoints : the *contemporary's artists in the Louvre's museum
From november 12 2004 to february 9 2005
Alberola, Boltanski, Cattelan or even Othoniel... thirteen contemporary artists are invited to intervene in the Louvre's collections in order to confront living art. This dialogue between the past and the future is a way of demonstrating [...]
The *Louvre's revisiting by Patrick Faigenbaum and his workshop
From november 12 2004 to may 31 2005
An exhibit in two parts that unveils the work carried out by the photographer and his workshop.On the one hand, the contemporary look on the museum by members of his workshop, and on the other hand his personal work organized around [...]
Théophile-Alexandre Steinlein 1859-1923
From november 11 2004 to february 13 2005
120 works among the most representative of the different facets in Steinlen's art, as well as a fascinating documentation on Montmartre allow the visitor to discover the talent of the famous poster artist and street artist. Steilen [...]
Seàn Hillen, photomontages 1983-1993
From november 10 to december 18 2004
The exhibit groups together a selection of documentary photographs and photomontages in which Sean Hillen seeks to draw the public's attention on the conflict in Northern Ireland. By unveiling the tricks of photomontage, he establsihes [...]
First images: alterations of a national icon
From november 10 2004 to january 22 2005
On 7 November 1885, Alexander Ross photographed the ceremony of the placing of the last clamp of the Canadian Pacific railway. This photo became a true national icon, represneting the principle of Canada being "unboltable". The exhibit [...]
Seen from Italy. 1841-1941, a century of Italian photography in collections Alinari
From november 10 to march 6 2004
Thanks to the Alinari brothers fund, the exhibit allows us to look at a century of technical and artistic innovations, proper to the history of photography in Italy. We discover a large choice, combining famous snapshots and unpublished [...]
A memory of the education in Geneva
From november 9 2004 to april 9 2005
The exhibit shows the archives of the J.J. Rousseau institute -the school of science of education created in Geneva in 1912-, as well as the archives of three of the city's experimental schools. The documents presented were chosen [...]
Brigitte Rallu
From november 9 to december 4 2004
Brigitte Rallu's work reveals man's "inner scenes": his emotions, his dreams, his smiles, his pains and his stories. Her thoughts on ourselves are offerd with finesse and elegance.
Matisse: Nice, work and happiness
From november 9 2004 to february 28 2005
The exhibit presnets 51 photographs as well as a series of lithographs from the Matisse Museum collection.It includes works by well-known photographers -Henri Cartier-Bresson, Brassaï, Hélène Adant- who were witnesses of Matisse's [...]
Paris on the waves
From november 9 2004 to february 12 2005
This retrospective of audiovisual Paris allows us to cover 70 years of the capital's history through great events that occured there, through unusual sound and audiovisual editing, songs, stories, news reels, radio programs...
Jason Dodge
From november 6 2004 to february 6 2005
Jason Dodge's installations combine images and objects in complex and often enigmatic settings. These works offer indeed the idea that something did happen, but the information given remains vague. His work questions the collective [...]
Enigma, Monsù desiderio. An architectural fantasy in the 17th century
From november 6 2004 to february 7 2005
The exhibit presents some 60 paintings by Monsù Desiderio, painter from Messina in the XVIIth century. This fantastic and dreamlike work, in which ruins and architectural cataclysms evoke the gloom of the end of the world, is in reality [...]
From november 6 2004 to february 7 2005
The exhibit is dedicated to Paul Guiramand, a figurative and abstract artist, colorist and poet, and presents some 40 paintings among his most recent, and a few sculptures.
Une histoire d'alliage... Les bronzes antiques des réserves du Musée d'archéologie méditerranéenne
From november 6 2004 to march 27 2005
The exhibit groups together some 250 objects from the museum's collections, from all the mediterranean civilizations. Th eonly common point among all of these pieces -helmet, tools, weapons... - is the matter in whcih they are built: [...]
Jan Hietala. Mirages - Bodies died from the Finnish War of 1918
From november 5 to december 17 2004
Jan Hietala made his some ten negatives found in the national archives, glass negatives on the dead of the Finnish war in 1918. He enlarged them and made color prints, the artist comments history in his own manner and gives back to the collective [...]
Jeux d'automates
From november 5 to december 5 2004
This interactive exhibit welcomes an original collection of 45 robots and animated paintings around themes linked to leisure and daily life, in a fun and humour filled form. The visitors become actors by setting off the robots and excentric [...]
Fields of vision
From november 5 2004 to february 21 2005
The museum of Beaux-Arts of Rouen presnets a selection of monumental works from the recent purchases by the FNAC. An opportunity to discover the gigantic installations and sculptures, rarely exhibited due to their dimensions, around [...]
Photographied photographer, self-portrait in France 1850-1914
From november 5 2004 to february 13 2005
Some 100 photographs give us the opportunity to see how photogrpahy was looked at in the beginning. The self portrait is approached in different ways, from the experimental, psychological or commercial portrait to the symbolic or fun portrait.
Colour, xork and society: from the Middle Ages right up until today
From november 5 2004 to january 31 2005
The exhibit presnets more than 300 documetns, objects, works and archives on the relations between colour, work and society. All the aspects of colour are dealt with around 6 promenades: production of images, tinting and printing on the material, [...]
Jota Castro... to Amiel
From november 4 to december 24 2004
A selection of works linked to the current economic, social and political problems -sculptures, installations, video -by Jota Castro allow us to understand the artist's critical work as he reinterprets the visual and linguistic codes, [...]
Jean-Pascal Imsand. The Milky Way: trajectory of a photographer
From november 4 2004 to january 30 2005
This retrospective allow sus to discover the work one of the most talented and most original representatives of Swiss photography at the end of the 20th century. Jean-Pascal Ismand is known for the vareity of the subjects he deals [...]
Werner Jeker, PhotoGraphisme
From november 4 2004 to january 30 2005
The exhibit, designed like Werner Jel*ker's laboratory, presents a selection of different types of works taht demonstrate the different approaches used by the graphic artist according to the object he deals with: book, poster, visual [...]
Toutankhamon. L'or de l'au-delà - Trésors funéraires de la Vallée des Rois
From november 4 2004 to may 1 2005
Some 120 exceptional pieces lent by the Egyptian museum of Cairo, dating all from the New Empire -and more exactly from the XVIIIth dynasty from 1551 to 1292 BC -are proof of a period that was the third gratest era of prosperity which [...]
Portrait of the Vienneses
From november 3 to 26 2004
In order to pay homage to persons living in Vienna, the exhibit welcomes photographs of persons representing the authentic image of the true Viennese. Documentary photographers -Franz Hubmann, Léo Kandl, Didi Sattmann, Sepp Dressinger, [...]
From november 3 to december 3 2004
Hypegallery is a free and none paying exhibit offerd to graphic artists, photographers, illustrators and directors still unknown today to the public at large. The ensemble shows the younger production of a profession of the society [...]
Shooting the chase, photograph of hunting in the XIXth century
From november 3 to december 19 2004
The exhibit brings together the major artists in the history of photography, such as Charles Nègre or Horatio Ross,as well as very rare snapshots and daguerrotypes as those of Umbert de Mollard, Peter Henry Emerson...The presentation [...]
Berlinskaja Lazur. Young artists Berlin photographers
From november 3 to 28 2004
The exhibit presents 10 artists, who use photography and the new media, working and living in Berlin. Their work reflects the complexity of social, physical and mental transformations in this major city.
Karen Knorr, histoires naturelles
From november 3 2004 to january 16 2005
Through the intermediary of its large foramt photographs, Karen Knorr introduces wolves, parrots, monkeys, sheep, etc. in the museum, in order to distill wildness and anarchy in policed and coded locations.
Route of graduates of the Ecole centrale des Arts et Manufactures, inventors and contractors
From november 3 2004 to march 6 2005
Some 40 objects, among the 4000 th emuseum holds, have been identified as having direct links with the history of the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures and its engineers. This itinerary attracts the attention of the role played [...]
Erich Lessing: memory of time. Photos of reports 1948-1973
From november 2 to 30 2004
Erich Lessing is undoubtedly the greatest photographer of the cold war.He is indeed the only photographer to have covered all of the events. Erich Lessing addresses all those who love stories with great simplicity and humanity, and refers [...]